15. ☆ Permission Granted ☆

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— Chay gets punished by his professor for not having done his homework. Kim won't be pleased when he finds out about it. Hurting Kim's angel equals signing your own death certificate —

 Hurting Kim's angel equals signing your own death certificate —

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"Professor Moon, I'm sorry but I 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙤 go. I can't stay after school," Chay urgently explains to his professor. 

"You don't have to do anything! All you have to do is do your homework and you didn't even do that. You are staying here until I say otherwise!"

Chay groans, "professor, I swear I did not not do it on purpose! There was something I had to deal with—"

A harsh slap hits Chay's cheek. Its impact is so unexpected and painful that it makes Chay stumble a little. With wide eyes, he presses his palm on his cheek and immediately hisses in pain. Chay doesn't understand; he was just slapped. Slapped so hard that his whole face feels on fire and... he was slapped by his professor? At a fucking university in the 21st century?! What a fucking joke! His professor is a fucking joke!

"You'll do as I say, Kittisawat! Now go and kneel in the corner and be fucking quiet! I have to mark some tests," professor Moon yells and gives another slap to Chay's other cheek. This one is not as harsh but it still stings.

Chay doesn't say anything, he ducks his head down and goes to kneel at the corner. No, he won't be talking to his joke of a professor instead, he'll get home and he'll talk to his boyfriend.

Hitting Porchay Kittisawat and getting away with it?


Chay can't see his cheeks but judging by all that burning pain he feels, they might be pretty red and probably will stay like that for some time. Kim is going to go feral. He is going to kill the professor in ways Chay can't even imagine.

A satisfaction creeps into Chay's heart, professor Moon deserves it.


Chay can feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He can't pick it up. He knows it's his p'Kim. He glances at the clock on the wall: 4:30 PM. They were supposed to be on a date already. Either they would go out—maybe to their favourite cafe or Chay would kiss Kim silly and let Kim fuck him hard into the sheets.

Chay loves both options. He wouldn't might to have both of them today. Instead, he is stuck here with his stupid professor and he can almost physically feel as his boyfriend is getting all worried because Chay isn't picking up.

"Professor Moon?"

"I said be fucking quiet, didn't I?"

"I just want to ask if you teach tomorrow afternoon?"

"I do."

"Good. Very good," Chay whispers.


"P'Kim?" Chay calls out as he walks into their apartment.

Kim is in front of him in a flash, eyes full of worries, hair dishevelled. "Fuck, baby where were you? I was so fucking worried! You weren't picking up your—" Kim's eyes suddenly turn dark and cold, the sharpness in them so loud so vivid. He gently cups Chay's cheeks, stroking them with his thumbs, slowly. "Who did this, Porchay? Who fucking hurt you!?"

Kim can't control the anger in his voice, his blood is boiling with rage. He is going to fucking 𝙠𝙞𝙡𝙡!

Chay takes one of Kim's hands and presses a kiss on his palm, "it was professor Moon just because I didn't have the homework for today. He slapped me twice. And then I had to kneel in the corner for hours. My knees still hurt."

Kim lets go of Chay's face and takes him in his arms, carrying him to lie on the sofa. Pressing a kiss on Chay's forehead, he looks into Chay's bambi eyes,  "I'm going to kill him, baby. I'm going to fucking break every bone in his body. He is going to wish that he was never born! I'm going to do it, I will... I just need your permission. Can I, baby?" Kim brushes a strand of hair from Chay's eyes, "can I?"

Chay wraps his arms around Kim's neck and pulls him into a deep and needy kiss. Sucking on Kim's bottom lip and shoving his tongue into Kim's mouth, Chay moans as Kim slides his tongue over his, tugging onto Kim's hair Chay parts their lips just a little to whisper, "𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙙."


Chay told Kim that professor Moon has afternoon classes. After that Kim did a little background check and found out that the last class of professor Moon ends late at 8 PM. That's more than convenient for Kim. 

Kim approaches the classroom right after professor Moon's last class ends and he knows that everyone went home. He walks in and locks the door with the spare key he stole from the reception.

Professor Moon is cleaning his desk, not paying attention to his surroundings.

Kim walks to the chalkboard and takes a chalk aligning it with the board in such a way that the moment he starts drawing a simple line across it, it lets out an awful ear-piercing sound.

Professor Moon finally pays attention. He turns around and frowns, "who are you? The class is already over. Go home!"

Kim throws the chalk on the floor, chuckling, "really? I thought that after your classes the students are staying so you can slap them and let them kneel for hours, or am I wrong?"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?! Just leave!"

"Nonsense, huh?" Kim's jaw twitches, the rage and adrenaline in him are ready to burst into full force. "So first, you dare to lay a hand on my boyfriend and now you are also implying that he is lying?!"

Kim grabs professor Moon by his hair and shoves his head into the chalkboard. Once twice thrice... until there are blood stains covering the board.

Professor Moon falls to his knees, his hands holding his head in pain, "stop it... s-stop..."

"Stop?" Kim cackles. "I just started!"

He takes the professor's wooden chair and slams it hard on the professor's curled-up body. As it breaks apart, Kim takes one of the wooden legs and shoves it into the professor's mouth. "There u go, be a good dog and bite! That's so you won't be screaming too much, it annoys me!" Kim then takes one of the professor's hands and breaks it, he makes sure it's an open wound... the bone is sticking out from the hand in a disgustingly unnatural way all the while the professor's screams are muffled by the wooden leg.

Kim continues breaking as many bones as possible and when he is done the classroom looks like a bloodbath. He shrugs as he puts a cigarette in between his lips... looks like the cleaning lady will have a lot to do in the morning.