7. ☆ Naked ☆

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— part two of the oneshot "Through The Lenses Your Eyes Capture Mine" —

"You look gorgeous, baby," Kim kisses Chay's temple and clicks on another photo on his laptop

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"You look gorgeous, baby," Kim kisses Chay's temple and clicks on another photo on his laptop.

Chay shuffles a little on Kim's lap and reaches for a glass of wine, standing on the table. He takes a sip, "I like it because it's with you but at the same time it's just not 𝙮𝙤𝙪. You are taking the best photos. I'm so used to them now that this feels strange. But it's my first photoshoot 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 you so I love it. But it just wasn't taken by you but like of course, it couldn't be taken by you because it was 𝙤𝙪𝙧 photoshoot but—"

Kim chuckles, taking the wine glass from Chay, "okay, okay, baby, I think that's enough wine for you today. My friend did a great job. You think that I would choose someone bad to do our first photoshoot together?"

Chay immediately shakes his head and turns around in Kim's lap so that he is now straddling him, "of course, not. You just know how I am when it comes to this."

Kim cups Chay's face and kisses him, "I know, baby. I understand. As long as you like them. That's fine."

"I love them so much," Chay smiles. "I'm kinda glad that you are a photographer."

Kim cocks an eyebrow, "yeah, why is that hmm?"

"Because you are so goddamn hot I would have no job if you were a model," Chay mumbles. 

"What did you say, baby? I didn't hear you," Kim grins.

Chay's eyes are locked on Kim's chest, focused on how it's rising and falling as Kim quietly laughs. "You heard me."

"Am I hot?"


"Goddamn hot?"


Kim drops his voice, "what do you want to do to me right now, baby?"

Chay raises his eyes to meet Kim's, they are hazed with love as they always are. Everyone always admires Chay's eyes including Kim, but to Chay, Kim's eyes are his favourite. The way Kim looks at him like he means every beautiful word he ever said to him. Chay loves it. He loves Kim. And now he is about to do something he's never done before, something he would never allow anyone else only Kim to do. "I want you to take photos of me while I'm naked."

Kim's eyes get darker, he squeezes Chay's waist, pressing him more into his body, "nudes?"

Chay nods, "if you want to."

"If I want to?" Kim grabs Chay's nape and kisses Chay hard, leaving him panting. "Strip!" Kim rasps out, pushing Chay down from his lap.

Chay shudders, suddenly feeling hot all over. The arousal and expectations of what's to come are waking up all his senses.

Kim stands up, grabs one of his favourite cameras from the shelf and looks back at Chay. Chay is almost naked, the only thing that is left is a tie that he had on for a photoshoot they did about an hour ago. His broad shoulders defined abs, and the waistline that fits just right into Kim's hands... fuck... Kim's pants are getting too tight. And when his eyes slide a little lower he isn't sure how long he will be able to endure all of this without touching Chay. Chay's cock is already half-hard and Kim is sure he isn't at it much better.

Chay is about to take the tie off when Kim stops him, "keep it on, baby. You look... fuck... you look to die for."

Chay runs his tongue over his bottom lip and sits down on the sofa, his legs spread open, he leans back, putting his arms on the backrest, "wanna bite, darlin'?"

Kim grips his camera hard, stepping a little closer towards Chay, "do you want those photos or not?"

"Me?" Chay blinks his gorgeous eyes slowly, "I think they will be more useful to you... or you don't want them, Mr Theerapanyakul?"

Oh, fuck this! Kim is going to fuck Chay so good, next time he is going to think twice about teasing him like that!

"Do what you do the best Mr Kittisawat, pose for me!" Kim orders, his voice raspy and full of lust.

Chay does as he is told. His poses are perfect as they always are, even better as they are accentuated by his naked body. It's strange, even after months of dating, Chay sometimes gets nervous and shy around Kim but not now when he is doing what he does best even naked, he feels powerful like never before. He can see and almost feel in the air how much Kim wants him. He can see Kim's clenched jaw and trembling hands every time he raises the camera and takes another photo. He can see Kim's Adam's apple bopping up and down as he gulps down every time he checks the photo he just took.

Chay turns around, leaning on the backrest he shows his bare ass up in the air for his boyfriend to see.

"Fuck, Porchay," Kim groans, he is so close to throwing that camera somewhere behind him not even caring if it breaks and just fuck Chay senseless.

Chay slides one of his hands alongside his ass cheek and pushes one finger in.

Kim hitches his breath, the camera almost dropping from his hands.

Chay looks at Kim, "how about I prepare myself, and you can take me right here like this, would you like that, babe?"

Kim's cock is so hard, he thinks that he might just come from watching Chay fucking himself. "Shit, baby, you better do it fast," he growls, finally letting the camera fall on the floor as he takes off his clothes too.

"So impatient," Chay giggles and pushes in a second finger, morphing the giggle into a moan.

It didn't take long before Chay screamed Kim's name as he was pounding into Chay from the back like he never did before. "Fuck, shit... baby, this is what you wanted, huh? You like when I'm rough like this? When you drive me crazy?"

Chay throws his head back, "yes, fuck, yes... it's so good, so good, you are so good to me, Kim."

"Yeah?" Kim thrusts his hips hard, kissing and biting all over Chay's neck and shoulder, "you are taking me so well, Chay. I love you so much, such a good boy for me. The most beautiful boy in the world and all fucking 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚!

"𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨," Chay moans. 

"Wait, baby," Kim kisses Chay's shoulder and stands up, walking toward an armchair and grabbing a burgundy blanket thrown over it. Chay opens his arms and with a tired but blissful smile, he lets Kim snuggle up next to him on the sofa.

"Show me the photos later, okay?"

Kim chuckles, "I honestly don't even know if they are any good. I don't even think that I knew what I was doing."

"I'm 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 distracting, hmm?" Chay winks. 

"More than you think, baby. More than you think."