76. ☆ Meant to Be ☆

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— Kim and Chay were forced to betrothal when they were kids. That was also the last time they saw each other. Now, fifteen years later the Theerapanyakul family is coming back to Thailand and the future husbands will finally meet each other again —

 Now, fifteen years later the Theerapanyakul family is coming back to Thailand and the future husbands will finally meet each other again —

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"Wait! Hold on! Slow down because I think I just heard you saying that you are engaged!"

"That's because I am," Chay shrugs and steals the last piece of pizza from his best friend.


"I am engaged, Nico. As in I have a fiancé and we will marry soon."

"Since when?"


"Months?" Nico screams and stands up from the sofa, glaring down at Chay. "And you didn't tell me anything? Your best friend? Hello?!"

Chay sighs, "since I was seven years old, Nico. It's not new at all. I just haven't seen him for fifteen years."

Nico is glad that Chay stole his last piece of pizza because if not then he would be probably choking on it right now. "What do you mean since you were seven?"

"Stop freaking out, geez!" Chay rolls his eyes. "When we were kids our family decided to enter a contract that would help both of our businesses, and to make sure it will be profitable and stable for a long time the betrothal between me and Kim happened. But then his family moved to the U.S. to expand the business and now fifteen years later they are finally coming back."

"I can't believe this," Nico shakes his head, watching a huge smile appear on Chay's lips—most likely unconsciously. "You are actually happy about that! You actually want to meet that fiancé of yours."

Chay frowns, "why wouldn't I? I basically grew up with him until I was seven and he was nine. I remember liking his company. We were never bored when we were together. I remember one time I tripped and bruised my knee really badly. You know what he did?" Chay's eyes sparkle, "he carried me all the way to the house. And we weren't near the house at all."

"Sounds like you weren't that forced to get engaged to him," Nico chuckles.

Chay shakes his head. A shadow of sadness and fear appears on his face, "I was a kid. We both were. I don't think we really understood what they were making us do."

"But you actually don't mind getting married to him, do you?"

Chay doesn't. But what if Kim does? 


"Kim had to take another flight because he had some last-minute thing he had to deal with in New York," Korn Theerapanyakul explains as he releases Chay from his hug. "But," Korn smiles, "he requested you to go pick him up."

"Me?" Chay asks surprised. Is it because Kim wants to see him before anyone else? That be nice, Chay thinks, feeling a faint blush covering his cheeks.

"Don't tell him I said this," Kinn smirks, "but in the last couple of days, the only word I heard from my brother's mouth was Chay Chay Chay... so..."

Chay laughs, trying to calm down the erratic heartbeat in his chest, "okay, okay. I'll go for him."


When Chay finally stops his car in front of the airport, it's almost an hour after Kim's plane was supposed to land. He huffs in annoyance, the traffic was shit! When Chay gets out of the car he is ready to enter the airport, but before he can he is stopped by a man in a white dress shirt, dark longer hair slightly slicked to the back to not fall into his face and sunglasses covering his eyes. But they don't for long, the sunglasses are off and the man smiles, his eyes so focused on Chay as if he is the only thing they can see.

"Hello, Bambi."

Chay hitches his breath. He hasn't heard that nickname in fifteen years. "Phi," Chay somehow gets out of himself and throws himself into Kim's arms.

Kim holds him tight, hands gently wrapped around Chay's waist. "Missed you so much."

"Me too. Missed you too," Chay pulls away a little to look at Kim. "I wasn't sure if you still remember me because of that stupid rule of not contacting each other and everything."

Kim licks his bottom lip, eyes still so intense focused only on Chay. "How can I not remember my fiancé, hmm?"

Chay gulps down a lump in his throat, "I wasn't sure if you would be okay with marrying me either. I mean, we were kids and—"

"And the way we got engaged sucked, but that doesn't mean that I have to dislike it. No one says that we have to get married immediately. Now I'm here... we can date for as long as you want to," Kim stops himself, eyes suddenly worried and a little darker than before, "I mean if you want to of course. If not, I-I think that we can explain somehow to our parents that—"

"I do," Chay interrupts Kim and hugs him again. "I do want to. Dating sounds nice."


"So," Kim scratches the back of his head, looking everywhere but not at Chay. Their hands are holding each other tightly as they are walking around Bangkok for their first official date. "Have you... have you dated someone before?"

Chay immediately shakes his head, "of course not, phi! I'm engaged to you."

Kim ducks his head, smiling, "I haven't either. Although I wasn't sure when we'd see each other again and if the engagement would still be valid... I just couldn't."

Chay stops walking and presses a kiss on Kim's cheek.

Kim turns fully to Chay and taps his lips with his finger, "how about here, hmm?"

Chay doesn't hesitate even for a second, pressing his lips to Kim's. 

When they pull away, Kim pecks Chay's lips again and whispers, "wait here, Bambi."

Confused, Chay is watching as Kim crosses the street and stops in front of an old lady, selling flowers at the corner of the street. A couple of minutes later, Kim is back. And Chay is holding a bouquet of pink tulips, smiling from ear to ear.

"Pretty flowers for my pretty Bambi," Kim says and Chay suddenly wants to ditch this whole dating part and marry Kim immediately. He takes Kim's hand again and kisses him. Whispering as their lips part, "I do want to marry you, I really do."