60. ☆ Stop making the eyes at me I'll stop making the eyes at you ☆

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"Aren't you tired of coming here every night? You really think that your Chay will show up here again just because he was here once? Don't you remember that you yelled at him that time?" the bartender says, sliding towards Kim another glass of whi...

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"Aren't you tired of coming here every night? You really think that your Chay will show up here again just because he was here once? Don't you remember that you yelled at him that time?" the bartender says, sliding towards Kim another glass of whiskey.

At this point, Marcus the bartender already knows Kim's fucked up relationship with Chay through and through... that's what you get when you have to handle Kimhan's drunk ass for over 7 months now. 

"I was saving him from getting drugged; you know that for fuck sake!" Kim scoffs, drinking up the whisky in his hand.

"Well maybe you could have been gentler and you didn't have to be sitting here right now."

"Yeah, thanks for the advice! I know I fucked up." 

"Wait..." Marcus suddenly points behind Kim, "I'm not exactly sure but... I think your wait is finally over, man. This might be that your Chay if I remember correctly the pic you showed me. Even though he looks older now and he isn't alone..."

Kim turns around faster than he ever did before, even during a fight with an enemy. Marcus is right. Porchay. His Porchay... Kim wants that to be true again. Chay didn't notice him yet. Kim is watching as Chay dances his way to the middle of the dance floor, he is with some friends... Kim doesn't know them. And fuck, he goddamn hopes that all of them are just friends!

Marcus was right, Chay looks older, more mature and taller and fucking sinfully beautiful as he always does. His hair is a little shorter and messy right now as it bounces when Chay dances. It falls a little bit into his gorgeous bambi eyes that Kim can't stop dreaming about. Oh god, how much Kim wishes for their eyes to meet now and never ever stop meeting again.

Kim's eyes stop a little lower now. Chay's lips... it's almost incredible how Kim can see how pink and plump they are even from afar... and then it hits him, Chay isn't that far away, it's only a couple of meters. If Kim would want to he can just make a couple of steps and he would be there, right beside the only person he ever wants to be. 

Chay is still dancing to the rhythm of a song that Kim isn't even registering anymore, the only thing that his senses are picking up right now is Chay Chay Chay... the way he sways his hips so effortlessly, so provocative, so inviting as if he wants someone to grab him, to press their body on his, to make him feel hot, to smell his intoxicating scent of honey and peaches. Kim clenches his fist. That can't fucking happen! He is the only one who can do all of that. Only him... But why isn't Kim already walking towards Chay? Why is he still sitting at the bar? Why do his legs feel like they are from jelly?

And then it happens, Chay turns his head towards the bar and his eyes immediately find Kim's. Chay's smile disappears. And Kim wants to disappear too. It's tragicomic how Kim turned from the reason why Chay smiled so brightly to a reason for that smile to disappear. And it's all only Kim's fault. Kim thanks heavens or maybe Marcus that he had only two glasses of whisky so far tonight so is still pretty much sober. Kim wouldn't forgive himself if their first meeting after months would be affected by his drunk ass.