6. ☆ Through The Lenses Your Eyes Capture Mine ☆

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— top model CHAY gets a personal photographer and sparks fly immediately, after all, who can resist CHAY's gorgeous eyes? —

Kim's portfolio lies open on Chay's coffee table as Chay is sipping a glass of Chateau Margaux, his legs curled up under him, one hand resting on the backrest supporting his head

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Kim's portfolio lies open on Chay's coffee table as Chay is sipping a glass of Chateau Margaux, his legs curled up under him, one hand resting on the backrest supporting his head.

Chay likes Kim's portfolio a lot. Finally, someone who really looks like he knows what he is doing with his lenses. The photos in the portfolio are highly professional and Chay seems to be intrigued by them. That doesn't happen often. It's been a long time since Chay truly couldn't take his eyes off a photo. Even his photos and that's the problem. Chay is the most sought-after model in the world. He belongs in the top 3 best models in the world. He is young with an income that most people can only dream of. He loves the modelling industry no matter how fucked up it actually is. He loves to model. To be captured in a moment forever. To look behind once in a while and see how he evolved, what he looked like or what he improved or should still improve since this or that picture was taken.

Seeing his face everywhere he goes is something he got used to years ago. Starting as a child model got him a shit tone of practice in this industry. And he wants to remain in this industry for as long as possible. But he can't do this if he isn't satisfied with his own photos. Everyone is always marvelling about how gorgeous he is, how stunning his bone structure is, how captivating his eyes are and how breathtaking his smile is. But they just don't see it! They don't see what Chay sees. All his photos are missing the soul. They all look like any other photo of any other model ever taken. Chay knows that there's more in him than this. He wants to be able to look at his photo and say 'yes, this is me. This is who I truly am. This is how I want everyone to remember me.'

At first, he thought that he was the problem. Maybe all those years what he thought modelling was... was just a ghost of what real modelling is. It was dragging him down for months but then his manager, Tankhun, one day during a quick lunch between photo shoots randomly said that maybe the problem wasn't in Chay, maybe they should find him his personal photographer—someone who would have to know him, to learn how Chay's body and soul work, how they can be captured the best and what a coincidence... Tankhun already had someone in mind; his brother.

So here Chay is, captivated by the portfolio, waiting for the owner of the portfolio to arrive.

There's a knock on the door of his dressing room.

"Come in," Chay calls out, his eyes falling on a man with long dark hair, black jeans and a black shirt. All black, nice, Chay likes that. Chay nods towards the empty space next to him, "sit please."

Kim nods, he sits next to Chay, there's not much space between them as the sofa itself isn't very big at all. "Pleasure to meet you, Porchay, I'm Kimhan or Kim if you want to," Kim introduces himself, his eyes seem to be unable to move away from Chay's.

Oh, Chay smirks, that's the effect of his eyes, no one can resist them but only some can truly understand them. Kim must learn how to understand them. Chay flicks his tongue over the rim of the glass and takes another sip of the wine. "I like you, Kim. Your portfolio is great."

Kim nods with a small smile, "thank you, I worked on it hard."

Chay puts the wine glass on the coffee table, stands up and grabs Kim's hand, "show me what you got. There are two photo shoots scheduled today."

Kim is looking at their joined hands as Chay is pulling him through the entire building on the set. Chay's hand is warm and soft, and what's the most interesting to Kim is that it doesn't bother him at all. Kim isn't one for physical touch, especially, not with strangers but this feels nice.

"I'm counting on you, Kim. Make me shine!" Chay lets go of Kim's hand and steps in front of all the lights and cameras... in front of Kim.

'Make me shine.' That's not hard at all. On the contrary, it's the easiest thing Kim ever had to do. Chay is already shining brightly. It's all coming from his eyes; the beauty of them so dangerously rare one has to be careful not to get blinded by them. And yet, Kim can't look away. Sometimes he purposely takes a longer time to take photos that are strictly Chay's face so that he can keep looking into Chay's eyes for a little bit longer. It goes like this for a couple of months, Chay isn't dumb, he noticed. How can he not when he is shamelessly eye-fucking Kim every photo shoot? Chay only wonders when will Kim make the first step. As was said in the conversation between Chay and Tankhun, Chay's personal photographer should know his body very well so why not take it literally? Chay really likes Kim, he takes great photos, is nice and caring, gorgeous, fun to be around and what is the most important, Kim truly understands Chay; Chay can't say that about many people. Overall, Kim is great boyfriend material and Chay would really like one.

It's late in the evening and a Royal-themed photo shoot is finally over. Chay is about to leave when he is pushed hard onto the wall, one of Kim's hands by his head and Kim's face in his personal space, "when are you going to stop?" Kim hisses, "you know how hard is to focus when the only thing you are doing is driving me crazy with those stupidly gorgeous eyes?"

Chay smiles, "stupidly gorgeous, huh? No one is telling you to be focused. You are taking the best photos ever anyway."

"What are you trying to do, Chay?" Kim slides his hand down Chay's spine to his waist. Chay shivers, hooking his hand around Kim's neck, "would it be so bad if our relationship was more than just professional, Mr Theerapanyakul?"

Kim pushed Chay on his body, his breath ghosting over Chay's lip, "wanna go on a date, Mr Kittisawat?"

The prince of modeling, CHAY is no longer single. CHAY confirmed his relationship with his photographer Kimhan Theerapanyakul via a new photoshoot that left everyone speechless. They really do look amazing together and we wish them all the best!



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