18. ☆ Practise With Our Lips ☆

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"P'Kiiim," Chay whines

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"P'Kiiim," Chay whines. "How much longer?"

Kim chuckles, "I thought you love watching me practice for the tour, baby."

"I do... but..." Chay pouts, "I'm in serious need of cuddles but my boyfriend is busy."

"Guys," Kim turns to his band, "time to go home... GO GO!"

"But Kim, we still have three songs to go through."

"I said, go home!" Kim raises his voice and puts away his guitar.

Kim locks the door the moment everyone leaves.

Chay giggles excitedly and opens his arms.

Kim throws himself on the sofa and wraps his arms around Chay with a relieved sigh. He sneaks his hands under Chay's hoodie, caressing his hot skin.

Chay hums in delight, making himself comfortable on Kim's lap, nuzzling his head into Kim's neck. A strong scent of cigarettes & leather immediately clouds his senses.

"I hate cigarettes... but you smell so good," Chay mumbles into Kim's neck, not even sure if Kim heard it but then Kim chuckles, kissing Chay's fluffy hair.

"I told you, baby—I'll quit if it bothers you too much."

Chay shakes his head, looking at Kim, "it doesn't bother me because it's you."

Kim smiles, "I love you so much, baby. I'm sorry for today."

Chay pouts, an adorable wrinkle appears between his eyebrows, "what happened today, phi?"

"I was too focused on practising for the tour; I didn't want to make you feel like I wasn't paying attention to you."

The wrinkle on Chay's face disappears and instead, it's replaced by a lovely smile that lights up his bambi eyes. "Kim," he cups Kim's cheeks, "I'm just being extra clingy. How can I feel that you weren't paying attention to me when your eyes were more on me than on your guitar anyway? Poor guitar, she should be sad instead."

Kim copies Chay's smile and leans closer, "if everything is okay then I can ask for kisses from my angel baby, can't I?"

Chay giggles, pressing a butterfly kiss on Kim's forehead, his nose, and his lips, "my p'Kim can everything." 

Chay connects their lips again, deepening the kiss, he sighs in pleasure as Kim runs his tongue over his lips and takes Chay's bottom lip in between his teeth, sucking and biting on it until he gets that perfect melody made of the series of soft moans from his beautiful angel.

Chay whimpers and presses himself closer to Kim, wrapping his hands around Kim's neck when Kim squeezes his waist and slides his hands lower, settling them comfortably on Chay's ass.

Kim smiles into the kiss. Squeezing Chay's ass, he waits for him to part his lips in a moan and when he does Kim shoves his tongue in, feeling home once again.

Chay lets Kim take over. He feels giddy and on fire every time Kim takes control. Feels so fucking good. 
Chay runs his fingers through Kim's hair, tugging on them just enough to hear Kim groan into the kiss.

"Mine," Kim whispers, tracing kisses down Chay's neck to his collarbones, "you are mine, baby. I can't believe you are mine. Are you mine, baby? Tell me, please, angel tell me that you are mine."

Kim almost begs; it makes Chay's heart melt every time he does it. It feels nice to be desired so much by Kim. Chay loves to have power like that. He tugs on Kim's hair again, making him look up. Chay smiles, his thumb pressing down on Kim's bottom lip, making Kim shiver.


Chay leans in to peck Kim's lips, thumb still pressing down on Kim's lip, "I'm yours, p'Kim. No one else can ever have me. Only you can look at me like this. Only you can set a fire in me just with one touch. Only you can kiss me in a way that makes me lose my mind. And only you can fuck me so good that all I can do is scream your name."

"Fuck," Kim groans, kissing Chay's thumb and sucking on it a little.

Chay hitches his breath but he doesn't move, not even an inch.  

"Fuck, Chay... angel... you can't just say things like that... not when you only want to cuddle."

Chay giggles and hugs Kim tightly, resting his head on Kim's shoulder, "oops."

"Oops?" Kim scoffs, "oops won't save it, baby."

"Hmm," Chay sits up straight and takes off his hoodie, leaving on just his white t-shirt, "you can give me new hickeys, there's almost nothing left," Chay points at his neck, his bambi eyes innocently glistening as he looks at Kim.

Kim takes one of his hands from Chay's ass and puts it on Chay's neck, slowly running his fingers up and down to Chay's collarbones and up to his Adam's apple and then back to his collarbones, "hmm, you really need new hickeys, baby... I just wonder with what is Porsche going to chase me around the house this time?" 

Chay laughs. "What was it last time? A spear?"

"Yeah," Kim chuckles.

"Where he even got that from?" Chay rolls his eyes.

"Khun, most likely," Kim shrugs. 

"Well... I bet this time he is gonna use a chainsaw," Chay giggles.

"A chainsaw?" Kim gasps, "oh wow. My boyfriend wants me dead."

"Kiiim," Chay laughs, shaking his head.

Kim pulls Chay closer by his nape and lowers his voice, "fuck it, one chainsaw won't stop me from tasting my delicious boyfriend." He bites delicate skin under Chay's ear and licks it right after.

Chay shudders, resting his hands on Kim's shoulders, "m-make them big and dark, phi... I love wearing them on my skin."

"So everyone knows you are mine, baby?" Kim whispers.

"So everyone knows that I'm yours, phi," Chay breathes out.