51. ☆ I Love You Too Much ☆

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— KimChay are on a date in Yok's bar —

"After you, baby," Kim playfully winks as he opens the door of the bar and lets Chay go in first

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"After you, baby," Kim playfully winks as he opens the door of the bar and lets Chay go in first.

"It's been a while since I've been here, ahhh," Chay giggles.

A tender smile blooms on Kim's lips, nothing is better than seeing his baby happy. Walking quickly behind him, he puts his arm protectively around Chay's petite waist and walks with him deeper into the bar.

"I'm hungry," Chay mumbles. 

"We could have gone to a restaurant first," Kim frowns, "wanna go?"

Chay shakes his head, "no, that's okay." He grins, I'll make p'Yok cook something for me. She can't tell no to me."

"That, I totally understand, but what is she going to cook you in a bar?"

Chay shrugs, "she has a mini kitchen in the back."

"Is that my little Porchay? Oh my god!" Yok squeals and runs to hug the boy.

Kim clicks his tongue, tapping her shoulder, "that's enough."

Chay giggles, while Yok throws a very offended look at Kim. "I don't see Chay complaining, young man. Calm down!"

Kim rolls his eyes, "Chay is hungry, can you make something for him... please?"

"Oh, of course, I'll make something for you, sweetie. What would you like, hmm?"

"Pancakes with chocolate and bananas," Chay says.

"That shouldn't be a problem. Go sit somewhere, go go, I'll bring it to you," Yok pushes them towards empty tables.

Chay takes Kim's hand and leads him all the way to a hidden part of the bar, away from others, "here we can be alone," he sits down on a black sofa, pulling Kim with him.

Kim carefully looks around, eyeing every spot, getting familiar with the unfamiliar, "I didn't know this place had something like this."

"It's VIP members only, which obviously includes me... I guess you can join," Chay proudly says.

 Kim grabs Chay by his waist and manhandles him to sit on his lap, "I'm allowed to join, hmm? Should I say thank you?"

Chay hooks one of his fingers around Kim's necklace and tugs on it, bringing Kim's face close to his, "I think you should, phi."

Kim groans, crashing their lips together, he hums into the kiss when Chay immediately parts his lips and their tongues meet. Chay isn't trying to fight for dominance today. Today he lets Kim do whatever he wants. Kim smirks into the kiss, sucking on Chay's tongue he slides his hand down Chay's back until it's right on Chay's ass, squeezing it a little, he shoves his tongue even deeper when Chay lets out a soft gasp.

Chay's fingers clutching Kim's shirt, his head getting lost in their heady kiss, he almost forgot he is hungry. Almost. But then...

"Pancakes are her—" Yok clears her throat and puts the plate on the table with a loud thud, "pancakes are here! Also, you could stay at home if this is all you want to do."

Chay sighs, not moving from Kim's lap at all, "p'Yok... you sound like his!"

Yok puts on a satisfied smirk, "now you know who's my favourite!"

"Phi," Chay gasps, but Yok already walked away.

Chay looks back at Kim, "did you hear that, phi? I'm not her favourite."

Kim chuckles, "no matter what, baby, you are my favourite."

Chay giggles, "you are my second favourite," he grabs the plate with pancakes and looks at Kim again, "pancakes are my favourite!"

Kim groans, "not fair! I'm always losing to pancakes."

"Pancakes are too sweet and perfect, you know?" Chay says before he takes his first bite.

Kim is watching Chay with so much love, he thinks that he can't go on like this for much longer. He wants to paint the whole world with all the love he has for Porchay Kittisawat.

"Open up," Chay whispers, feeding Kim a pancake. "Sweet?"

Kim nods, swallowing bite after bite, "you are sweeter."

Chay puts the rest of the pancakes away and wraps his hands around Kim's neck, "actually, you are always my favourite, p'Kim. I love you."

Kim leans over and kisses away a bit of chocolate left in the corner of Chay's lips, "you can get me drunk more than any alcohol can. Do you know that, baby? You are making me go crazy. Fucking nuts!"

Chay brushes his lips over Kim's in a teasing manner, before leaning away again, "you love me, p'Kim?"

"I do, I do, I love you, baby."

"How much do you love me?"

"Too much, I love you too much, baby," Kim whimpers.

Chay leans in and whispers into Kim's lips, "I love you too much too." 

Kim chases Chay's lips, the ecstasy of their taste, spreading all over his body, "Yok was right... we should have stayed at home," he mumbles, their breaths morphing into one.

"Take me to your apartment later," Chay whispers. 

"Fuck, yes, yes," Kim groans, kissing Chay again and again and again. Pancakes can never taste better than his baby. Alcohol can never get him as drunk as one butterfly kiss from his baby can.