88. ☆ Pink and All the Other Colours ☆

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— In a world where people wear rings that change colours based on their emotions, they all are waiting for the ring to turn one particular colour more than any other—pink; the colour of soulmates —

— In a world where people wear rings that change colours based on their emotions, they all are waiting for the ring to turn one particular colour more than any other—pink; the colour of soulmates —

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Chay used to believe in soulmates.

He used to have these pink-hued dreams about one day walking on the street and bumping into someone, maybe even spilling a coffee all over them, just to then find out that the unfortunate person he bumped into was actually his soulmate. You know—these rom-com types of meetings.

He used to think that his ring would finally turn pink and that it would be the prettiest thing in the world. He used to think that every time he walked out of his house, it was finally going to be the day when he was going to meet his soulmate. But it never happened.

Most of the people, if not everyone besides him—that was how Chay saw it—found their soulmate between the ages of 18 to 22.

Chay turned 25 a week ago.

Chay didn't believe in soulmates anymore.


Kim used to think that he was too antisocial to ever find his soulmate.

He used to imagine all those horrific scenarios where he would meet his soulmate and wouldn't know what to say or he would bring up some weird topics like  "oh, did you know that France used the guillotine till 1977!" or  "did you know that Hungarian Countess Elizabeth Báthory was apparently bathing in the blood of young girls to stay always young and pretty? It is said that she killed over 650 young women! Crazy, right?"

Yeah, Kim's soulmate would probably turn around on their heels and never show up in front of Kim again. But Kim couldn't help it—that was the way he always was. He spent all his days at home where he felt comfortable and sheltered from people and the havoc of the world.  At home, he was safe. At home, he could be as weird as he wanted to be without people judging him. At home, he was the only one who could judge him.

Maybe that was it. Maybe because he was always at home... he was 27 already and still had no soulmate.  How could his soulmate find him when Kim didn't want to be found?  But despite that, Kim still believed in soulmates. He knew that one day his ring would turn pretty pink, and his soulmate would smile at him bright and warm— the kind of smile that would instantly become Kim's favourite.


"Kim. Kim!"

Kim reluctantly turned around away from observing his two older neighbours arguing out on the street, and with a bored expression, he looked at his brother, "what?"