96. ☆ Night Love ☆

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— Chay is a receptionist who works mostly night shifts. WIK suffers from insomnia, and whenever he stays at the hotel Chay works in, instead of being up all night in his room, he goes down to the lobby because he loves to talk to the sweet receptionist —

 WIK suffers from insomnia, and whenever he stays at the hotel Chay works in, instead of being up all night in his room, he goes down to the lobby because he loves to talk to the sweet receptionist —

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When Chay puts on his uniform, he makes sure that his name tag isn't crooked and his hair is styled properly. Only then, he makes his way to the reception. He loves night shifts. Not many people do, but to him, it's a form of escape. Night shifts are pretty peaceful providing him a shelter away from his home where his uncle is drunk almost every night and some nights even violent. If Chay could, he would take every night shift possible, but sadly the hotel policy says that receptionists on the night shift have to switch every other week for their personal health. Chay knows one thing: working night shifts is healthier for him than getting yelled at and beaten at home.

When he gets to the reception, his colleague is already impatiently waiting. "Chay."

"Hey, Viki, you can go."

Viki gives Chay a big hug, "have a good shift. Bye." She turns around to leave, but then she turns back to Chay, "by the way... WIK is here again, and he was asking for you."

Chay's cheeks heat up. He smiles, "thanks."

"ChayChay," Viki narrows her eyes, "what are you up to?"

"Nothing!" Chay quickly shakes his head. "Seriously, he just likes to come down here and talk." 

"Uhmm, sure," Viki laughs and leaves.

Chay plops into his chair behind the reception desk. WIK is here again. Chay can't stop smiling. He missed WIK. It was weird at first, especially because Chay is such a huge WIK fan. He was afraid that WIK would find it uncomfortable, but WIK didn't, not at all. They didn't talk much about WIK's career, that was true, but Chay honesty prefers it this way. They usually talk about random things, and Chay finds it better that way.

It's been a couple of months since they started talking. WIK usually comes into the hotel 3 or 4 times per month. It still confuses Chay as to why, considering that WIK lives in Bangkok and the hotel is in Bangkok as well, but he definitely isn't complaining at all. He hopes that WIK will come down soon. The sooner he comes, the more time they have to talk. After all those months, Chay doesn't see WIK as his favourite singer—this bright star he can never reach, but more as a friend. A friend that Chay has a real crush on, but that's something that can't really happen ever, so Chay will settle with being friends. That's already way more than 99.9% of fans will ever get. He is just lucky to be working as a receptionist at the hotel WIK loves to stay in.


Two hours later, when Chay feels a little tired, he goes to the small room next to the reception to make himself a cup of coffee. As he does so, he hears from behind, "one for me as well."


Chay smiles and turns to WIK, "of course."

"Isn't it counterproductive that I drink coffee when I already can't sleep?" WIK chuckles, taking a sip from a hot beverage.

"It isn't because you want to stay up with me the whole night, so you shouldn't fall asleep," Chay says, smiling at WIK.

WIK nods, "you are right I actually prefer talking with you to sleeping."

Chay blushes, "p'WIK—"

"Kim," he corrects Chay. "I'm Kim. I think that it was enough of p'WIK, don't you?"

Chay is looking at WIK... no... Kim! pleasantly surprised, now he knows WIK's real name. It's special. He is special. "Thank you... Kim. Umm, are you sure that I can know your name?"

Kim nods, "I want you to know more than that. You know why I spent some nights here instead of being at home even though my place isn't that far away from here?"

Oh, it isn't? Chay shakes his head, "why, phi?"

"It feels suffocating at home. Even though I'm alone here as I am alone there, but at least here I have you."


"I was stuck with songwriting before we started talking. I don't know, maybe I had a block or something, but after we talked for the first time, I got back to my room and I finished the song I was writing and started writing another one. You helped me more than you think, Chay."

Chay seriously needs to stop blushing! He plays with a pen he subconsciously grabbed sometime during their conversation and says, "that's amazing, p'Kim. I'm so glad that I could help you like that."

Kim doesn't know if he can hold that question in himself for much longer. Chay is just so sweet and adorable, and despite him being WIK's fan, it's clear to Kim that Chay sees more in him than just a star singer. Maybe it's the way Chay nervously plays with the pen in his hand or the way he says Kim's name, but Kim finally says it. "Will you... go on a date with me, Porchay?"

The pen falls out of Chay's hand. "D-date?"

Kim nods, "yeah. To be honest, I was trying to gather enough courage to ask you for a couple of weeks already. I... if you don't want to, I understand... I just—"

"I do!" Chay says, a little louder than necessary, catching the attention of the bell boy standing next to the elevator. "Uhm," Chay lowers his voice, "are you kidding? I would really love to! I would. And not just because you are WIK, but because I really like you... like you not WIK but Kim—"

Kim laughs, taking Chay's hand in his, caressing his knuckles, "I like you, too"

six months later

Chay puts on his uniform. Makes sure his name tag isn't crooked and his hair is styled properly and gets to the reception.

"WIK is here again," Viki says as she leaves the reception.

"I know," Chay winks and gets to work.

Two hours later, as always, Chay is preparing a coffee, when the door to the room close and Chay feels two strong hands around his waist.

"One for me as well, pretty boy."

Chay giggles and points at the two cups of coffee ready on the table.

Kim hums, "you know me so well."

"I knew you were here," Chay turns in Kim's arm to face him, "which by the way, didn't you have enough at home?"

"I can never have enough of you, baby. And after you moved in with me, I think it's even worse." Kim sniff-kisses Chay's cheek, "I'm addicted."

Chay cups Kim's face and kisses him. "Me too, phi, but I can't leave the reception unattended for too long, so no funny business till morning!"

Kim blinks innocently, "I only want kisses."

"Sure you do," Chay rolls his eyes.

"Uhmm," Kim traces his lips over Chay's neck. "Really long French kisses that "sadly" require both of us to be naked."

Chay laughs, pushes Kim away, and quickly leaves the room, "how about you write a song about it first, hmm?"