27. ☆ My King ☆

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"Tell me, baby

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"Tell me, baby... why did you agree to play this game if you knew I'm the best?"

"I know how to play too, khun Kim."

"Do you," Kim chuckles, "then why do you keep losing your clothes one by one, khun Porchay?"

"Losing my clothes doesn't mean I'm losing the game."

Kim moves his Rooke on H6 and leans back in his seat, "really? It doesn't? And what it means then, huh?"

Chay runs his tongue over his bottom lip and nonchalantly moves his Knight to capture Kim's Rooke. "It's simple. The fewer clothes I have the less focused you are, the more mistakes you make... the easier it is for me to win."

Kim cocks his eyebrow, "and what do you think we'll do if I'm the one who will win?"

Chay shrugs, "that's easy; you want to fuck me," he runs his finger slowly over the top of one of his chess pieces casually as if he didn't even know that he is doing it. They both know it's on purpose. To tease Kim even more. To get Kim's body to ache for that finger to run over his hard nipple or throbbing cock or anywhere else as long as it's on his body.

Kim clicks his tongue and removes his bright red feather jacket, letting it drop with a soft thud on a black marble floor. With his chest exposed and Chay's eyes locked on him, Kim leans back to the chessboard, his wide shoulders looking so delicious for Chay to kiss, to lick, to bite, to rest his head on as he lets Kim's hands leave their print all over his body.

Chay gulps down the need to push the chessboard away and crawl onto Kim's lap right now. He is going to be there after this game anyway no matter which one of them will win. But no, this is fun. He lets them play till the end. It's too satisfying to see Kim barely holding himself, trying to push away that lust and hunger for Chay that is painfully visible in his eyes as they travel up and down Chay's half-naked body, every time lingering for a little longer just below Chay's left collarbone where a small bold 𝓚. is perfectly painted in black ink. Kim has 𝓒𝓱. on the same spot — the result of one of their drunk nights out. Not once did they regret it. Chay loves it because it clearly shows that Kim belongs to him and he belongs to Kim. Kim on the other hand loves it because it's something that ties him to Chay forever. It makes his heart swell, knowing that wherever Chay goes, the small 𝓚. is always with him. 𝓚𝓲𝓶 is always with him.

"I always want to fuck you, baby," Kim finally speaks, lifting his eyes from Chay's collarbone to his face.

Chay whimpers, badly hoping that Kim didn't hear it, not yet. Kim's eyes so deep so dark, so alluring always pulling Chay in without Chay even noticing what is happening—those eyes are now looking at Chay as if everything else ceased to exist as if just one more minute of playing this stupid game would kill Kim in an instant. Well, Chay has good news for Kim. But before... 

"Hmm, I know you do but what if I don't want you to fuck me today?"

Kim chuckles, "so that's why you want to win? So you would be the one ordering me around not the other way?"

Chay wraps his fingers slowly, delicately around his Queen, lifting it from the chessboard, "no, I'm ordering you around every day anyway. I just like to win." He corners Kim's King with his Queen, and slowly lifts his eyes to look at Kim from behind his pretty long eyelashes, "checkmate, khun Kim."

Kim is watching as Chay's fingers release the Queen, and his smile grows wider, waiting for Kim's reaction. This is the first time that Chay has actually beaten Kim in Chess without Kim letting him do so. If it was anyone else Kim would be pissed. But here, with Chay as his opponent, Kim is proud, more than proud. He leans back in his chair, nodding in appreciation, "bravo.  Congratulations, khun Porchay, you won."

Chay licks his lips and stands up, his short skirt teasingly brushing over his thighs. Kim hitches his breath, the thrill of the game was so overwhelming it made him forget what was Chay wearing today. Chay in a plaid red skirt was the object of Kim's dreams for so long until he finally let himself entertain that possibility for real. He would lie if he said that he wasn't a little nervous giving it to Chay. But Chay was more than eager to try it out. Too much for Kim's well-being, if Kim is honest. Since Kim bought it, it's one of the pieces of clothing that Chay wears the most. 

"Wanna touch, p'Kim?" Chay asks, his voice dripping with honey.

Kim nods, reaching his hands and almost moaning when Chay leans into the touch, setting himself on his lap.

"Who won today, puppy?" Chay lets his fingers travel down Kim's naked torso, his nails teasingly scratching the hot skin. 

"You," Kim breathes out, "my king."

Chay hums, leaning to Kim's ear, "and what did I say?"

Kim's fingers travel under Chay's skirt but he doesn't dare to do anything else. He keeps his hands heavy and needy, resting on Chay's milky thighs, "you don't want me to fuck you today."

"Uhm, true, that's what I said. I don't want YOU to fuck me today. However, I didn't say anything about fucking myself on your cock while you can't do anything else just watch."

Kim's cock twitches in his leather pants that are way too tight at his point, he grips Chay's thighs tighter, and his lips can do nothing more than whimper, "please."

Chay smirks, he slaps Kim's hands away from his thighs, "don't touch me! You touch me one more time and I'll leave you here like this so the only thing you can fuck is your hand. Do you want that?"

Kim immediately shakes his head, "no."

Chay smiles softly, "I know, puppy, I know." Chay slides his hand into Kim's pants, pulling out his hard cock, the precum already leaking all over it. He gives it a few quick strokes, humming as Kim shivers under him. "One touch and it's over, puppy, remember that."

"Wait, we have to prep you—"

Chay stops Kim by kissing the corner of his lips, "p'Kim, I thought you knew me well. You really think that I didn't plan all of this? If you weren't at the studio for so long you would find me naked on our bed playing with my tight hole, screaming your name. Hmmm, it's really a shame that you were so busy earlier."

"Chay... fuck..." Kim groans, digging his nails into his own thighs just to not touch Chay in any way.

"Just relax, p'Kim, and let me use your pretty cock for what it was made for... pleasuring me." 

Chay sinks onto Kim's cock slowly, inch by inch, feeling every curve, every vein rubbing on his insides. He throws his head back and starts bouncing up and down, his skirt lifting, exposing his plump ass that Kim would do everything to touch right now.

"Fuck fuck, baby," Chay leans to Kim's collarbone and bites on Kim's tattoo, "my p'Kim, my puppy, right?" He looks up at Kim and tugs on his hair. "Right?!"

"Yes, fuck yes baby, I'm yours, I'm yours," Kim moans.

Chay licks over Kim's lips, "next time you can fuck me on the chessboard."