12. ☆ Je t'aime mon amour ☆

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— KimChay decided to run away from the hectic Theerapanyakul-Kittisawat family life and spend two weeks in France not giving a fuck about anything just enjoying each other's love and company —

"Merci beaucoup," Kim takes a bowl of fresh strawberries from an older lady, Audrey, who is the young couple's landlord for the two weeks they have decided to spend in France away from the constant mess of their messy and sometimes very annoying f...

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"Merci beaucoup," Kim takes a bowl of fresh strawberries from an older lady, Audrey, who is the young couple's landlord for the two weeks they have decided to spend in France away from the constant mess of their messy and sometimes very annoying family.

He closes the door and dances his way back to the bed where the love of his life is lying deliciously pretty, loosely wrapped only in the messy white bed sheets.

Chay's eyes are closed, he is humming a melody of an old French song he heard downstairs during breakfast when Audrey had on a radio. One of his hands is under his head while the other is resting on his naked chest delicately covered in Kim's love bites.

Chay is the most beautiful art Kim has ever seen and Kim feels unworthy but at the same time blessed to be the one calling this art his, being the one that can worship it every day and every night. Because Chay doesn't deserve less than being worshipped and Kim would be committing a capital sin if we ever stopped.

Chay opens his eyes and glances back at Kim who is crawling up to him from the other side of the bed, "merci beaucoup," Chay teases, "anything else you know, Mr French?"

Kim puts the bowl of strawberries on the bed next to him and rests his head on Chay's shoulder, planting an open-mouthed kiss on Chay's neck. "I know more."

"Yeah," Chay raises an eyebrow, "tell me more, baby."

Kim nibbles on the tender skin right under Chay's ear, "je t'aime."

"Hmm, more."

"Je t'aime mon amour."

Chay giggles, "oh wow, almost like from French poetry."

Kim slides his hand down Chay's chest, his fingers absentmindedly dancing over Chay's soft skin, "are we laughing, angel? What do you know in French, hmm?"

Chay turns his head towards Kim, locking their eyes together, "just about the same as you but I want to learn how to say douchebag."

"Ouch," Kim winces.

Chay smiles, "but I also want to know how to say the most amazing boyfriend I could have ever asked for, my biggest love and support, and forever yours."

The adoration in Chay's eyes is killing Kim from the inside and bringing him back to life every time Chay looks at him. It's such an unbearable but beautiful feeling. God, Kim loves Chay so fucking much; he doesn't even think that 'love' is a strong enough word to use.

Kim pecks Chay's slightly parted and welcoming lips and whispers, "there are two words for all of it, my angel."

"Yeah? What are they?" Chay whispers back.

Kim traces his fingers to Chay's hand that is resting on his chest. He interlocks their fingers together, "Porchay Theerapanyakul."

Chay softly smiles, combing through Kim's hair with his other hand, "one day, I promise, p'Kim."

Kim slightly nods, the soft smile spreading on his lips too, "I'll wait, angel, I'll always wait."

Chay brings their interlocked hands to his lips and plants soft kisses on Kim's knuckles.

"Strawberries?" Kim asks.

Chay nods and opens his mouth. Kim laughs, taking one strawberry he feeds it to Chay, his heart skips a couple of beats when Chay licks over his fingers and lets them slip into his mouth, sucking on them.

Kim groans, he takes another strawberry and puts it between his teeth. He leans to Chay and lets him take a bite and then another until their lips touch and they can't fight it anymore. Their tongues come together in the aftertaste of strawberries and cigarettes Kim had on a balcony a little bit earlier.

Chay moans into the kiss and pulls Kim closer, grabbing the back of Kim's shirt, he pushes Kim down on him, shivering at the feeling of Kim's clothes rubbing over his naked skin. Fuck, Chay wants those clothes off!

"Off," Chay mumbles into the kiss and tugs on Kim's shirt again, "off!"

As Kim sits up, frantically taking his clothes off, Chay shivers already missing the heat of his lover. "P'Kim," he whimpers, grabbing Kim's naked body and pulling him back on him. He sighs in contentment when Kim gets rid of the sheets that are covering his body and presses himself skin to skin, body to body, heart to heart down on him.

Kim kisses Chay's forehead, tracing his lips down to Chay's ear and then finally his lips, he whispers, "do you want me one more time, angel?"

Chay nods, looking at Kim with his big doe eyes, "one more time, baby, please, please."

Kim spreads Chay's thighs with his knee and presses it lightly on Chay's cock, "are you sure angel? You've been so good for me since morning. Are you sure you can take me one more time?"

"God, yes, yes please," Chay kisses Kim deeply, "please I'll be your good boy just please one more time, I need you."

Kim feels his cock twitching with lust with every word that slips out from those perfect lips. "You already are my good boy," Kim kisses Chay again and gets lower, spreading Chay's thighs wide open he almost comes on the spot. Fuck fuck, Chay looks so fucking deliciously wreaked. His pink tight hole is so wet and still leaking with Kim's cum from earlier. His inner thighs are full of love bites purple blue red and everything in between, fuck fuck Kim can't take this anymore, he positions himself at Chay's needy hole and gets back up to Chay's lips.

Chay is a shivering mess under his touch as Kim bites down on Chay's bottom lip and slams his cock hard into Chay's hot and delicate body. "Fuck shit, angel, do you know how fucking wreaked you already are? My cum looks so perfect leaking out your pretty little hole. Do you want more, angel? Want me to fill you up again?"

Chay digs his nails deep into Kim's back and thrusts his hips up to meet Kim's rhythm, he moans and whimpers and the ecstasy his p'Kim always brings him. "I want your cum, please, baby. I want it... I want it so much."

Kim thrusts his hips a couple of times and with a guttural groan and head buried in Chay's neck he fills Chay's hole with his cum again. He wraps his hand around Chay's cock, stroking it, "be a good boy and come for me, angel, come for me."

"Phi phiii," Chay moans into Kim's mouth, his back arches and his cum spills over their naked bodies.

"I love you, god, I love you," Kim breathes out.

"Je t'aime mon amour," Chay smiles.

Kim chuckles, "should we go explore the village tomorrow?"

Chay licks his lips, "or we can explore each other instead."