71. ☆ Tranquil Moments ☆

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— the usual peaceful evening in KimChay's household looks like this —

— the usual peaceful evening in KimChay's household looks like this —

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"Hmm?" Chay hums in response, nose buried deep into a textbook.


Chay turns his head to the back as much as he can, waiting for Kim's lips to touch his. When they do, both of them hum in contentment and turn back to their individual works. They have been sitting with their backs pressed to each other on the floor in their living room for hours. Chay has been working on his essay that should be done by tomorrow evening and Kim has been writing down some lyrics for his upcoming album. It's nothing new for them—they started to work in this kind of routine months ago. They both know that each of them has work to do where they just have to focus on the work instead of each other, but they are also painfully aware of the fact that they can't physically stay away from each other for longer than five minutes if they are at the same place. So, eventually, Chay got the idea of sitting next to each other and working on what they have to work on a couple of days per week.

At first, they were sitting side to side or opposite each other, but they found themselves paying more attention to what the other was doing instead of their work. So, after a couple of failed attempts at getting work done which always ended with the work being pushed away and Kim's lips all over Chay's body, Chay got another idea—they should sit with their backs facing each other. That way, they won't be able to watch what the other is doing, but they also would still be close enough to get occasional kisses or hold hands. And it works perfectly. Chay thinks that he has never gotten so much uni work done so quickly, and as for Kim—Chay already heard some of the songs Kim has written that way, and they are more than amazing!

"Almost done?" Kim asks.

Chay nods, "just have to check some things in the textbook, and it should be done. You?"

Kim nods as well, "I wasn't writing anything new today, just going over what I already have. I think I'm done now."

Chay looks at his textbook, and then he reaches his hand to the back and pats Kim's thigh, "turn around."

Kim does so immediately, welcoming Chay in his lap as Chay lays his head on Kim's legs and returns to reading the textbook.

Gently, Kim starts brushing Chay's hair with his fingers and leans in to press a kiss on Chay's forehead, "comfortable, love?"

Chay looks up at him with a smile, "very."

Kim smiles as well and pecks Chay's lips before letting Chay finish his reading. On the sofa right on Kim's left is Chay's Polaroid camera that he keeps taking everywhere... and also keeps forgetting where he put it most of the time. Kim smiles and looks at the small coffee table sitting right in front of the sofa—it's covered with sparkling and colourful beads, evidence of Chay making new couple key chains as well as bracelets for him and Kim. The previous bracelet Chay made for Kim, Kim rarely takes off, mostly only when he goes to shower and even then he already misses its weight around his wrist. In front of him on a huge and— according to Chay—insanely comfortable armchair, is Chay's favourite pillow... it's a WIK pillow, to be precise. Kim's face is looking right at him, sparkling earring dangling from his ear, and he looks so WIK it's almost as if it wasn't even Kim. But Chay loves that pillow so much, and Kim doesn't have the heart to tell him to throw it away. It dawns on Kim every day—how much everything around him screams Chay now. Everywhere he looks, he sees a piece of Chay, he feels his presence, his scent, his whole apartment is an embodiment of Porchay Kittisawat, and Kim can't be happier. This is all he wanted. This is more than he wanted. He loves, Chay. And he loves that Chay is everywhere around him. There's nothing better in the world. Not for Kim. 

"Done!" Chay squeals and throws the textbook away before he throws himself at Kim.

Kim laughs as his back hits the floor and then inhales sharply, feeling Chay's lips pressed to his neck. He wraps his arms around Chay's waist and asks quietly, "shower? Coffee after?"

It's their usual thing—they'll take a shower together, and then they cuddle on the sofa, watching something and sipping on a coffee or tea. And today, it doesn't seem different. Chay stands up slowly, taking Kim with him, and hand in hand, they get to the shower.

Kim lets himself be pampered in the shower by Chay's gentle hands and sweet lips. Chay loves playing with Kim's hair, he takes his time to massage Kim's scalp and then rinse away the shampoo. He leaves traces of kisses down Kim's neck and shoulders, whispering I love you's into Kim's ear. When he is done, it's Kim's turn to take care of his angel. He makes sure to kiss every inch of Chay's tender body, holding him close he leaves a hickey on Chay's right collarbone and Chay shudders, pulling Kim into a heated kiss.

After the shower, they quietly shuffle through the kitchen, preparing their drinks and then wrapped around each other on the sofa they put on some random show on TV—it will be only as a background noise anyway while they both focus only on each other once again.

"Hia wants us to come for the weekend," Chay says, taking a sip from his coffee.

Kim's fingers stop around Chay's ankle he is slowly massaging, "do we have to?"

"Phi," Chay giggles, "we keep refusing almost every week. We have to go."

Kim takes Chay's mug and leans away to put it on the table. After that, he is immediately back, pushing Chay down, deeper into the sofa, "I don't like to go there because every time we are there, they take you away from me."

Chay wraps his hands around Kim's neck and pulls him down so their noses are gently brushing over each other, "I promise if we go I'm not moving away from you for more than five minutes, phi."

Kim pouts, "remember... you promised!"

"I promised," Chay smiles and pulls Kim into a kiss.

Kim thinks that even if someone would really want to take Chay away from him, he doesn't have to be afraid because his angel... his angel will never leave him. His Chay will always be everywhere around him. Always.

  ☆ THE END ☆