30. ☆ Recharge Cuddles ☆

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Kim puts a phone back into his back pocket, the uneasiness is starting to boil inside of him

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Kim puts a phone back into his back pocket, the uneasiness is starting to boil inside of him. As he steps inside the mansion, his eyes are immediately searching for his angel, but instead, his eyes find only Pol.

"Khun Kimhan," Pol greets. 

"Where's Porchay? He isn't picking up my calls," Kim goes right to the point, not bothering to greet Pol properly.

"Khun Porchay is in the living room. I drove him home from school. He said that he has a big project due tomorrow and he has to make sure everything is ready. Last time I saw him he was working on it."

Kim's body immediately relaxes, everything is fine. His angel is safe, just busy with his project. Kim smiles at Pol which gets the poor bodyguard more than shocked, but somehow he manages to return the smile. 

"Thank you, Pol."

"Oh, that's no problem, Khun Kim—"

"I'm serious," Kim speaks firmly, "thank you for taking Chay home from school every time I can't and keeping him safe. Maybe you are not realizing this, but by protecting Chay you are protecting me as well."

Pol gulps down, his mind still processing Kim's words. He quickly nods, "I'll make sure to never disappoint you, Khun Kimhan."

"You better don't, or it will be your own death," Kim pats Pol's shoulder and leaves in the direction of the living room.

Pol chuckles, "well... that's more like khun Kimham."

"Angel," Kim calls out as he walks into the living room. The only thing he gets in return is silence. Chay's head is resting on the table, laptop and a billion papers are scattered around him.

"Angel," Kim says again, but Chay doesn't move. A fond smile appears on Kim's lips. He walks closer and sits next to Chay. "Are you sleeping, baby?" He whispers, brushing away the hair from Chay's face. Eyes closed, lips in an adorable pout and rosy cheeks; Kim's heart swells with love and pride; he has the most beautiful boy in the world. The most beautiful boy in the world loves him, only him. Just the thought of it is pushing tears into Kim's eyes. He leans closer and presses a soft kiss on Chay's forehead, "I love you."

Chay shifts a little, scrunching his nose he mumbles, "say it again."

Kim's smile gets even bigger, "I love you, my angel."

Chay opens his sleepy bambi eyes, "again."

"I love you, baby."


Kim chuckles, leaning to Chay's lips, "I love you, Porchay Kittisawat."

"I love you too, phi Wik," Chay giggles.

Kim playfully rolls his eyes and captures Chay's lips in a mellow kiss.

"Hmm," Chay moans, but reluctantly pulls away, "I have to finish that stupid project."

"You want some motivation, angel?" Kim asks, kissing Chay's neck.

Chay nods with a pout.

"I'll help you, baby. And the sooner it'll be done the sooner we can focus only on each other."

Chay's eyes sparkle, taking Kim's breath away like they always do. "I want to cuddle. I need recharging. This project is awful!"

Kim starts playing with Chay's fluffy hair, "we'll do that as soon as we make sure that your project is ready for tomorrow."

"Promise?" Chay smiles.

"Of course, baby?" Kim pecks Chay's lips, letting the quick kiss linger between them.

"Can you keep playing with my hair while I'm working on it?" Chay whispers into Kim's lips.

"Anything my angel wants," Kim whispers back before reconnecting their lips again.