53. ☆ A Kiss Like This ☆

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It's past midnight and Chay is locked in Kim's studio against his fucking will!

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It's past midnight and Chay is locked in Kim's studio against his fucking will!

It's been hours. And during that time, Chay heard Kim's apology, saw him cry, heard at least a hundred times how much Kim loves him, and was promised that Kim had no part in Big locking them there. And this time, Chay believes him. He believes everything. The apology, the love, the tears, and even that Big locked them there without Kim knowing about it. 

Chay is so close to just letting his walls fall completely and jump into Kim's arms, but being locked here feels like he is forced to do things. Chay doesn't like that. But he also knows that it isn't Kim's fault. And Big most likely also didn't mean any harm. He was probably just tired of seeing his boss walking around like a zombie all the time. Chay knows that.

He knows that Kim hasn't been well since they "broke up" if Chay can even call it like that. After Kim's apology and explanation, Chay can see why Kim did it. Honestly, Chay doesn't know if he would do the same if he were in Kim's place, but at least now he understands Kim's reason. It makes everything better. It doesn't hurt so much anymore. Mostly because now Chay knows that the reason why Kim left him wasn't because there was something wrong with him; it wasn't because Kim didn't love him. Kim loves him. Kim loves him so fucking much.

"Angel, I promise I didn't order Big to do this," Kim's voice comes from behind Chay. He is close, so close. "What... what should I do for you to believe me?" Kim reaches for Chay's shoulder, "please, I—"

Chay turns to Kim and hugs him. Arms, wrapped tightly around Kim, Chay whispers into Kim's neck, "I believe you, p'Kim. I believe everything you said today. I just don't like that we are locked in here. It... it makes me feel like I'm forced to do something I don't want to do."

Kim's body relaxes one second and tenses the other after hearing Chay's words. He doesn't want to pull away from Chay, but he has to just a little, so that he can look into those gorgeous Bambi eyes, "angel, I'll fire Big if that makes you feel better. Everything for you, you just have to say it."

Chay shakes his head, "no, don't... don't do that. Besides, you would have to fire or disown many other people, how come no one is picking up our calls? This seems like an elaborate plan."

Kim frowns, "if it was, that would mean that everyone is on my side. That sounds impossible."

Chay can't help himself but giggle.

Kim thinks he died, and now, surprisingly, he is in Heaven. He wants to be the reason for Chay to make that sound every day. Kim wants to be the only reason.

Chay bites his lips.

Kim wants to be the only one to do that.

"P'Kim, I'm giving you a second chance. You said that you'll do everything I want."

"Everything, angel," Kim replies, his mouth suddenly getting dry. Fuck he is so nervous.

"Then, I want you to distract me from the fact that we are locked in here."

"Distract? H-how, angel?"

Chay taps his lips and looks at Kim from under his long eyelashes, "and don't hold back."

Kim's blood runs cold. Did Chay just... he really just...  Chay wants him to... Kim is allowed to kiss Chay and he doesn't have to hold back? What Kim did to deserve this? Fuck, he is so afraid to fuck this up. What if Chay won't like the kiss? What if...

"P'Kim, I'm wait—"

Kim doesn't let Chay finish. He crashes their lips together, nibbling on Chay bottom lip and bitting it just like he wanted to. Chay lets out a sweet moan into the kiss, and that fuels Kim's desire even more. Kim pushes Chay to walk back until Chay is leaning against the piano, and Kim is pressed to his body. Kim's hands are squeezing Chay's waist, fingers digging deep into Chay's flesh. He parts Chay's lips with his tonge and shoves his tongue inside Chay's hot mouth. Chay gasps, tugging harshly on Kim's hair, making Kim groan into the kiss. Kim feels drunk. The taste of Chay's lips is too fucking addicting. Kim now knows what he will be doing for the rest of his life. 

Chay feels like a marshmallow melting in fire. He wants to cry just by thinking that Kim will ever stop kissing him like that, holding him like that, being close like that. If Chay had to go through all that pain, emptiness, tears, and suffering just to have this, then it was all worth it. In the future, he might have moments when he won't feel the way he feels now about it, but he knows that one kiss from Kim will always remind him that it was worth it after all. This is perfect. This moment right now, when Kim is finally not holding back. Whe he is pouring all his emotions into their kiss. This moment is heaven. Chay would let Kim kiss him forever if Kim asked him. Or maybe Chay will ask Kim to do that.

He smiles into the kiss, breaking the rhythm a little but it doesn't matter.

Kim smiles back and starts peppering Chay's face with soft kisses, "I'm so fucking happy right now, angel. So happy."

Chay giggles, "I'm happy, too. So happy. I have a proposal for you, p'Kim."

Kim cocks his eyebrow, "I'm all ears, angel."

"Can you kiss me like that forever?"

Kim sits Chay up on the piano, presess their bodies close together, and looks into Chay's enchanting eyes, just before he whispers, "I can, and I will, my angel."

☆ THE END ☆