31. ☆ After ☆

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"I'm gonna look for my guitar," Kim says, his voice cracking a little as they step into his apartment, shoulders brushing but quite never touching

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"I'm gonna look for my guitar," Kim says, his voice cracking a little as they step into his apartment, shoulders brushing but quite never touching. "I haven't played it in a while so I kinda forgot where I put it."

"We don't need a guitar."

Before Kim can move deeper into the apartment to look for the said guitar, Chay pulls him into a hug, nuzzling his head into Kim's neck. There is a fragment of hesitation in Kim's moves as he puts his hand around Chay's waist, but it quickly disappears when Chay presses himself even closer.

"You really need everything to be explicitly said, don't you, p'Kim?" Chay mumbles into Kim's neck. "When I said I want us to write a song together, I didn't mean right now. We can do it anytime. Now I want to just be. Be here with you." 

Kim has to ground himself. Burying his head into Chay's shoulder he whispers, "I almost lost my hope that you would ever just want to be anywhere with me ever again."

Chay hums, "phi, I always wanted to be with you. You were the one playing games. But," Chay slowly pulls away to look at Kim, "can we just forget everything that happened before? Remember the day I confessed to you? Let's start from there but without the kidnapping and crying and other nonsense, okay?"

There's this specific power that Chay has over Kim. He just makes Kim smile without Kim actively wanting to do it. So here Kim is standing in front of the boy stronger and braver than he ever was, a stupid grin plastered on his face as he nods, "yes, yes, let's do that. I'd love that." 

Chay leans closer and only when it is over, Kim gets crushed by the tsunami wave of soft lips brushing over his cheek. Chay shyly giggles and intertwines their fingers together. "P'Kim?" 

"Umm yeah," Kim can hear himself saying but his mind is still a couple of seconds in the past, feeling the softness of Chay's lips on his skin.

Chay bites his bottom lip and looks around, "umm, do you have something to eat? I'm kinda hungry."

"Oh," Kim chuckles, "I'm not sure but let's find out."

Chay doesn't let go of Kim they walk into the kitchen. He doesn't let go even when they are trying to find at least a sign of some food. And he doesn't let go even when they find the last box of pizza in the freezer and put it in the oven. Kim doesn't know if Chay is doing it subconsciously or not but he is too happy to care.


"Hey! That's the last piece! It's mine!" Chay exclaims and throws himself at Kim, both of them falling into the bedsheets. Kim chuckles taking a bite of the last piece of the pizza and looking right at Chay while doing so. "Hmmm," he closes his eyes for a moment, "it's really delicious."

"P'Kim!" Chay slaps Kim's shoulder and sits up.

Kim laughs and sits back next to Chay, "here, baby. It's all yours."

Chay takes the piece of the pizza and pouts looking at the pizza and then back at Kim, "we can share."

"Yeah?" Kim cocks an eyebrow.

Chay nods. Moments later Chay very much regents his decision. "Hey! Not such a big bite! That's not fair!"

Kim shrugs, "you said that we can share, baby."

"That was the last time I said that," Chay huffs.

Kim fondly smiles, pecking Chay's cheek, "whatever my love says."

Chay happily giggles and takes a sip of orange juice that sits on the bedside table.

Kim's eyes fall on his phone; it's pretty late already. His contented mood is slowly fading away. And of course, Chay is quick to notice, "is something wrong, p'Kim?"

Kim shakes his head, "it's pretty late. I should take you home."

"Oh... I was thinking that I could stay here tonight if you want to."

Kim hitches his breath, the possibility of falling asleep and waking up with Chay by his side was something he forbid himself to ever hope for. Suddenly everything feels like a fever dream. He scoots closer, taking Chay into his arms to make sure that the boy is real and that the love he held for Porchay within himself for so long didn't finally give him the final strike, making him go crazy.

"Phi," Chay breathes out, his fingers gently brushing through Kim's hair, "you don't want me to?"

Kim's hands on Chay immediately put in more force, imprinting themselves on Chay's body, "of course, I do. More than anything but I'm not sure your brother will be happy about it."

Chay smiles, "I'll just call him and if he will be protesting then that's his problem."

"Really?" Kim asks surprised.

"Sure," Chay nods and wraps his arms around Kim's neck, "I want to stay here with you and tomorrow you can go with me to the mansion. I want to change my room around a little, but I'm not sure how; you can help me."

Kim is happy. He is so fucking happy that he feels like he is going to do something crazy like kissing Chay pretty soon, but before he can do anything the same softness he felt on his cheek hours ago is now on his lips. It lasts only a couple of seconds and when he catches his breath Chay is hiding in his neck and Kim can almost physically feel Chay blushing.

"Don't hide, baby," Kim's voice cracks. Fuck it was just a peck. Get your shit together, Kimhan!

"It was embarrassing," Chay whines. "I'm not sure if you even wanted it."

Oh nah! Hell nah! Chay can never think that Kim doesn't want his kisses! No way! Kim gently takes Chay's face into his hands and makes Chay look at him, "it wasn't embarrassing. In fact, I think that you should do it again because I was so surprised I didn't even have the chance to enjoy it."

If Chay could be even redder than he already is then he would be but that was quite impossible. He licks his lips and leans back in, "um, can you teach me how to?"

Kim's eyes get darker within a second and Chay finds the kind of comfort in them he didn't know was possible.

Kim lightly brushed his lips over Chay, "we can teach each other, baby. We have a whole night and much more."