20. ☆ Wedding and Wedding? ☆

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"Khun Kim and Khun Porchay are passionately kissing in front of your wedding cake!"

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"Khun Kim and Khun Porchay are passionately kissing in front of your wedding cake!"

"I'm going to kill that brat this time!" Porsche runs towards the wedding reception.

"Can't he ignore their lovey-dovey asses at least on his own wedding day, Arm?" Kinn groans.


"Wait, wait," Chay mumbles into the kiss as Kim holds him up by his waist and sits him down on the table next to the wedding cake.  "We can't ruin the cake."

Kim squeezes Chay's thighs, pressing himself even closer to his boyfriend's warm embrace, he kisses Chay's ear.

"Not our cake, not our problem, baby."

Chay giggles, "you are so mean!"

Kim shrugs, "not mean just honest. Now stop talking and kiss me again, baby. I miss you."

"Come and get it then," Chay bites his bottom lip, his bambi eyes luring Kim closer... closer... closer...

Ask Kim what he loves more than holding Chay in his arms and feeling his tender lips on his own, tasting that sweetness that can't compare to anything else in the world. The answer would be nothing, nothing compares to being the only one who can hold and kiss Chay like this. Nothing.

"All those cakes and you are still the sweetest thing here, baby."

"Hmm," Chay runs his fingers through Kim's hair, "who taught you that, p'Tankhun?"

Kim chuckles, "it's that obvious?"

Chay giggles, "very. But... I like you more... rough."

Kim wraps his hand around Chay's neck, slowly running his thumb along Chay's jawline, "rough, hmm? You wanna know what is really on my mind right now, baby?"

"What?" Chay gulps down, the pressure of Kim's fingers around his neck makes his head spin. He wants more.

Kim leans to Chay's lips, leaving between them just a tiny crack, barely visible, barely even there, "do you know what you are doing to me, Porchay? You have no idea how delicious you look right now. I want to fuck you so bad, baby... now, right now..."

Chay shudders, tugging on Kim's shirt he crashes their lips together into a messy rough kiss, moaning when their tongues collide. Both of them barely register all the noise from the people around them and Porsche's shouting doesn't break them apart, not until Porsche grabs Kim's shoulders and with full force, pulls him away from Chay.

Chay whines, his eyes throwing daggers at his brother... seriously?!

It doesn't take more than a second or two before Kim gets out of Porsche's grip and wraps his arms around his baby again.

Chay smiles, pecking Kim's cheek.  

Kim glares at Porsche, "don't try to do this ever again!" His voice is deep and cold making Porsche frown; did he really push the wrong button with such a trivial thing?

"What were you doing to my brother?!"

Kim presses a kiss on Chay's temple, smirking, "I was taking care of him." 

"Taking care?!" Porsche scoffs, "this is what you call 'taking care' ?"

"Hia," Chay rolls his eyes, "it's your wedding day. Relax a little. P'Kim is my boyfriend. When will you get used to it? It's been more than three years. It's about time."

"No!" Porsche shakes his head, "never!"

Kim chuckles. He nuzzles his head into Chay's neck, pressing there a gentle kiss, "should we go somewhere more private, baby?"

"Didn't you hear me?" Porsche steps forward to grab Kim again but Chay stops him.

"Hia, look... your husband's coming. You should take care of him."

The moment Porsche turns around to find Kinn, the young couple disappears.


"Let's sit here," Chay beams, sitting on the grass, pulling Kim down with him.

"Here? Khun will hunt us down if something happens to his fish again," Kim laughs.

"What would happen to them?" Chay shrugs, "hia is the expert on killing them, not us. Or... are you scared of your brother, hmm?"

Kim leans over Chay, pushing him down on the grass. "Me? Scared of someone? Baby... you know that the only person I'm scared of is you." 

"Uhmm," Chay puts his hand on Kim's nape and pulls him closer, "I'm a very VERY scary person."

"Yes, you are," Kim breathes out, cutting the distance between them.  

Chay is eager to open his mouth and let Kim in. The moment Kim's tongue settles inside Chay's mouth, lazily exploring every corner and sucking on his tongue as if it is the sweetest candy, Chay feels like he can finally breathe again. It's suffocating to be thrown out of nowhere into the mafia world. Many times Chay finds himself not being able to live without feeling like even trying to take one deep breath is too big of a task to do. But then there's always Kim. His p'Kim.

Kim is everything that Chay should stay away from. He is dangerous, possessive, heck Kim is obsessed with Chay and Chay knows it... he LOVES it. Kim makes Chay breathe with ease again. People fear Kim more than they fear death but Chay... Chay never feels safer than like this when Kim is the only thing he can feel. Kim is everywhere around him, part of him, in him, all over him...

"P'Kim..." Chay moans when Kim finishes another perfect hickey on his collarbone.

"What do you want, baby? Tell me?" Kim licks his way up Chay's neck kissing the corner of Chay's lips.

"I want to get married," Chay blurts out, Kim's intoxicating kisses and hot touches fogging his mind.

Kim looks into Chay's eyes, his heart suddenly beating way faster, "baby... you can't just say that. You know I'm capable of marrying you right now."

Chay licks his lips and smiles, "two weddings in one day doesn't sound that bad."

Kim hitches his breath, "baby... a-are you serious?"

"You know what?" Chay stands up and holds a hand for Kim to take, "yes... yes I am! Let's do it!"

Kim smirks, "gosh, I love you so fucking much, baby."


"WHERE ARE THEY? IT'S ALMOST MORNING!" Porsche is shouting around the entire mansion.

"Babe, calm down. They are dating after all. You are acting as if they weren't spending most of the time at Kim's place anyway," Kinn says, hugging Porsche to calm him down a little.

Porsche shakes his head, "I don't know; this smells fishy."

"Look look, they are here!" Tankhun screams, pointing at Kim's car, parking in front of the mansion.

They barely get out of the car when Porsche runs to them and starts pulling Chay away! "That's enough Kimhan! You are staying away from my brother! You can't just steal him like that!"

Kim wraps his hand around Chay's waist and with a calm expression he says, "let go of my husband before I get mad."

Porsche chuckles, "sure, as if I'll do what you— wait... HUSBAND?!" 

Chay shows his hand with the wedding ring to Porsche, "I'm married, hia."

"M-M-MARRIED?" Porsche gasps. 

Kinn nods in approval, looking at Kim, "good job, nong."