54. ☆ Nothing's Gonna Hurt You, Baby ☆

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— Korn has sent Kim to do another dirty work for him, and Chay hates it. He knows how it's killing Kim to be forced to still do those things for his father. But it's okay, Chay knows exactly how to make his husband feel loved and safe —

"Khun Korn," the sound of Arm's knocking, makes Korn lift his eyes from his chessboard

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"Khun Korn," the sound of Arm's knocking, makes Korn lift his eyes from his chessboard. "Khun Porchay is here."

"Not now," Korn replies, focusing back on the chessboard.

"Yes, now!" Chay barges into the office, shutting the door behind himself.

"Dear, Porchay," Korn forces a smile, his voice sharper than the imaginary knife he is always holding behind his back. "What brings you here?"

"You know damn well why I'm here. I'm warning you for the last time; stop sending Kim to do the bloody work for you! He can't handle it anymore. You are fucking ruining him!" 

"He is getting weaker. What that means is only that I have to train him even more. He has to get as good as he once used to be or even better," Korn says without an ounce of concern in his voice, sounding almost as if he was just giving a speech to the new mafia recruits, instead of talking about the health condition of his youngest son.

Chay clicks his tongue and approaches Korn's desk, "you know how easily the king can die, khun Korn? You think that you are the king, don't you? Well, then supposed that I'm the queen," Chay takes between his thumb and index finger the white chess piece. "this one, of course. Queen has always been my favourite. You know why? Because the queen can do whatever she wants. The king is the most powerful one?" Chay chuckles, "bullshit! The queen is. All she needs is a clear path and then puff," Chay knocks Korn's king off the board, "even the king is nothing but a pawn."

"You don't know what kind of game you are playing, Porchay," Korn says, the tone of his voice unchanged.

"Oh," Chay cocks his eyebrow, "but I'm not playing any game, khun Korn. I'm just informing you that if you send my husband on one more mission, I'll kill you, and I'll enjoy every sweet second of it."

A dry, guttural laugh leaves Korn's lungs. He is laughing like a madman, judging Chay with his cold, meticulous eyes. "Don't make me laugh, Porchay. You are too weak and pathetic to be of any danger to me. Just go back home and take good care of your husband once he comes home after completing another bloody mission for me."

Chay's jaw twitches and before Korn can even register what is happening, Chay is already standing behind him, a cold blade of a knife is cracking the skin on his neck open. 

Chay whispers, deep and chilling, "one move and you'll bleed out right on your precious chess board. Tell me why I shouldn't do it?"

"Kim would never forgive you," Korn replies and Chay can finally hear an emotion in his voice; sweet, sweet fear. 

Chay laughs. His mind immediately goes to his husband. Kim will be sad when Chay tells him that he laughed and Kim wasn't there to hear it. But Chay wouldn't want Kim here right now. Kim had enough of blood. He didn't need to see more.