40. ☆ Under Control ☆

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• "What is he doing here?"

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• "What is he doing here?"

"Porchay's here to keep an eye on you while we are gone."

"Come again?!"

"It's simple, dad got Porchay to keep you away from any shitty idea you may have while we are in Europe." • 

"Porchay, I'm glad you have agreed. Don't worry, you'll get paid more than enough."

Chay waves his hand in dismissal, "that's no a problem, khun Theerapanyakul. Kim is my senior after all, we have music history classes together. It will be fine." 

Korn nods, "feel at home here, Porchay. And if Kim will be too much to handle, immediately call me."

"Will do," Chay smiles, "enjoy your stay in Europe."

The moment the door behind Korn Theerapanyakul closes shut Chay turns on his heels and grins, "babysitting my senior... that definitely wasn't on my bingo card for this year... however," Chay dances his fingers on the backrest of a spacious dark blue sofa. He sits down, "I'm staying here for the sofa alone... fuck this is comfy, better than my bed, Chay almost moans.

"Are you about to come? Because that sofa was hella expensive," Kim leans his shoulder on a doorframe, a small teasing smirk playing on his lips.

Chay buries himself more into the sofa, looking straight at Kim "jealous that sofa made me feel better than you ever can?"

"I don't want to make you feel anything, honey," Kim winks and turns to leave.

"Stop right there!" Kim doesn't.

"Are you deaf?"

"Just don't listen to nonsense."

Seconds later Kim feels Chay's fingers digging into his shoulder, "where do you think you are going?" 

"Club," Kim rolls his eyes and shakes off Chay's hand from his shoulder. At least he tries but Chay doesn't let him.

"It's Friday evening. Make yourself comfy at home, Kimhan!"

Kim turns to Chay, "exactly because it's Friday, I'm going. You stay here or whatever, I don't need a stupid dog following me around."

Chay steps closer to Kim's personal space, sliding his hand from Kim's shoulder to his wrist, "I'm here to keep you out of trouble, and that's what I'm planning to do." Before Kim can realize what is happening, Chay manhandles him on the sofa, pinning him down, "you are staying here, sweetheart. Don't test my patience!"

Kim groans, wrapping his hands around Chay's waist he moves them around, hovering over Chay, "you don't test mine, Porchay! I don't need a fucking babysitter. The last time I listened to what my father said, my mother died."