63. ☆ Yes ☆

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— Chay belongs to Kim and Kim only! But Porsche doesn't seem to understand that. So what if Kim decides to ask his pretty little angel if he can kill his brother? And what if the answer is "𝙔𝙚𝙨 " — 

Kim's hungry eyes are scrutinizing every inch of Chay's sinful body as his perfect boyfriend is bouncing up and down on his cock

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Kim's hungry eyes are scrutinizing every inch of Chay's sinful body as his perfect boyfriend is bouncing up and down on his cock. Chay is biting down on his lip, eyes closed, head thrown to the back, he looks debauched, perfectly ruined for everyone else but Kim.

"You like bouncing on my cock, don't you, angel?" Kim drops his voice low and thrusts his hips up, "love how I fill you up so good. Love how it makes you want to stay on my cock all the time, don't you?"

"Yes, yes, phi, yes... fuck I love it so much," Chay moans, he opens his eyes and looks at Kim. "Please..."

"You want to come, angel, hmm? Want to show me how good I make you feel?"

Chay eagerly nods, letting out a quiet whimper, "y-yes."

Kim's hands are around Chay's throat in seconds. He pulls him down, their lips teasingly brushing over each other, "wanna come?"

Chay nods again, moans leaving his lips. His body is shuddering. He is so incredibly close. He needs to come. He has to!

"Words!" Kim orders, thrusting sharply into Chay.

"Want to come for you, phi," Chay mumbles, cheeks pink, lips swollen and red.

"Then do it, angel. Do it!" Kim says firmly and presses their lips together. When Chay comes, he feels so spent but so blissfully fucked. He doesn't want to move from Kim's arms ever. And then their doorbell goes off and Chay sadly realizes that he has to get up because his hia said he'll come visit. Again. He groans and wants to get up when Kim suddenly starts fucking him again. Kim's cock in his body feels like it's too big, too much, like it's tearing him apart and Chay loves it, but he also feels like he is going to crawl out of his skin, it's too much too much... but fuck so good... "Phi... please... hia he—"

"He can wait forever," Kim growls. "You aren't getting up until I fill your pretty little hole with my cum. That's what my good boy deserves. Don't you think? Don't you think that you deserve that, Porchay?"

"I—I do," Chay whimpers, his fingers pulling on Kim's hair harshly.

Kim smirks, "that's right, my angel. You do. Now kiss me!"

Chay can taste the saltiness of his tears as they kiss. The overstimulation is too much but his Kim is always so good at it. He can hear the doorbell ringing again and again somewhere in the background, but he doesn't fucking care! He just wants to be with his Kim. Alone!

"Fuck fuck fuck," Kim groans, filling up Chay with his cum. "Always so good for me."

"Hia's here," Chay mumbles when Kim gets up and goes to the bathroom to get a towel to clean Chay.

"I fucking hate him!" Kim gets back to Chay. "He is here almost every fucking day! No one cares about us besides him! I made sure no one is taking your attention from me. Because you are mine, Chay. Only mine! Aren't you?"

"I am," Chay pouts. "I don't like that he is here all the time as well. He is annoying!"

Kim grins, an idea popping up in his head. A deadly idea. "He is, isn't he, angel? What would you say if I could deal with him?"

"How?" Chay perks up. Finally getting rid of his annoying brother would be great! All he does is always interrupting Chay's time with Kim. Chay hates it when they are interrupted. He doesn't want to waste his time on people that aren't his boyfriend. Only his p'Kim matters anyway!

Kim presses a soft kiss on Chay's ankle and then makes his way up, kissing his knee and thigh, until he gets all the way up to Chay's lips, "I can kill him, angel. If you allow me to, I'll do it right now. Just say yes and I'll get rid of your brother forever."

Just the moment Kim says those words, their doorbell goes off again and there's a banging on the door and Chay has had enough! Maybe if they are not opening their fucking door they don't want to be fucking interrupted! But Porsche has never understood this! No matter how many times Chay told him not to visit them every week! Heck, almost every single day! Porsche still does it. And he keeps staying for hours and the most annoying is how he always looks like he wants to throw up whenever Kim kisses Chay or the other way around. Chay hates it! He fucking hates how entitled his brother feels to always insert himself in Chay's relationship. It has to stop. And Chay's boyfriend, the only person in the world that matters, is being so kind, offering to do it. How can Chay say no?

He smiles at Kim and nods, "yes, p'Kim, yes, please do it."

"Fuck, angel, I love you so much!" Kim kisses Chay deeply and then goes to get ready for the most important kill of his life. When he finally opens the door, Porsche almost hits him as he barges into their apartment.

"Fucking finally!" Porsche scoffs. "Why aren't you two opening up?! Where's Chay?"

Kim clicks his tongue, "you know, Porsche... it seems that your brother doesn't want to see you again. In fact, he hates you. He hates you so much that I got a green light from him. Hmm, he sounded so sweet when he said, "yes, p'Kim, yes please do it."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Porsche scoffs.

"About your death!" Kim chuckles and hits Porsche's head with his gun.

When Porsche wakes up, they aren't in the apartment anymore. Kim didn't want to make a mess in a place where his angel is the happiest. So instead, they are in a basement. "Took you long enough to wake up. Almost dead and you are still wasting my time! I should be with my angel right now," Kim smirks, "fucking him raw, just like he loves it."

Porsche groans but he doesn't say anything, he is in so much pain. There's a bullet in both of his legs and arms, blood dripping out of his limbs. "Actually, I waited for you to wake up so that I can tell you this," Kim gets closer to Porsche and harshly grabs his chin, looking right into his eyes, " Porchay is mine! His body, his mind, his heart, his soul, him... it's all fucking mine! If you got this into your thick head sooner, maybe we wouldn't be here like this right now. You know what we were doing before you showed up? I fucked your brother to tears... and he loved every second of it! And we would have a perfect time in bed even after that, but you had to show up and ruin everything! Well," Kim steps away and points the gun right at Porsche's forehead, "congratulations, you ruined your life as well!"

The sound of the gunshot that cuts through the basement is the sweetest gunshot Kim has ever heard. '

"Porchay is mine!"