90. ☆ Cruel Summer ☆

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— Kittisawats' annual vacation at their private island turns out differently for Chay than he could ever expect. No one told him that the son of their housemaid is back from the university and with him, all their buried memories —

 No one told him that the son of their housemaid is back from the university and with him, all their buried memories —

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• three years ago •

"I told you not to move!" Chay slaps Kim's arm. "The tail needs to be perfect! So... don't... don't wiggle your toes! Don't do it, Kimhan!"

Kim laughs and shakes his head, "okay, okay, go on, finish your masterpiece, khun Porchay."

Chay leans in and pecks Kim's lips, "you can't be a beautiful merman if your tail isn't done properly."

"Well, I hope you'll help me out of here once you're done. The sand's heavy."

"Sure, I will," Chay grins and goes back to finish his masterpiece. Once Chay's done, he stands up and takes in the final form of Kim the Merman. Chay nods for himself and a huge smile appears on his lips. "Beautiful, just as expected."

Kim tugs a strand of his hair behind his ear and winks at Chay, "take a picture 'cause this merman  won't last long."

Chay chuckles, "yeah, yeah," and goes grab his phone from the bundle of blankets and their t-shirts under the palm.  "Okay, so," Chay opens his camera, "say cheese!"

Kim rolls his eyes, "shut up!"

Chay laughs and takes way more pics of Kim than necessary. And then he lays down to Kim and takes some selfies as well. He needs a new phone wallpaper. Once Chay thinks he has enough pictures, he goes back under the palm. He puts on his t-shirt and grabs the blanket.

Once he returns to Kim, he leans down to kiss him, "see you tomorrow," he giggles after the kiss and turns away to leave.

"Wait! Chay, no! Come back here! You gotta help me get out of here!" 

"You are a strong boy, Kimmy! You can get out by yourself. I trust you!" Chay screams as he starts running away from the beach.

"They look so pretty on your pretty back," Kim kisses Chay's shoulder as he puts on his back the last shell to complete a heart.

"If I end up tanned with hearts on my back I'll throw you to sharks, Kimhan!" Chay glares at Kim playfully.

"Sorry to disappoint you, babe, but there are no sharks in this area. Besides," Kim draws another heart on Chay's back with his finger. "At least that's the way I can mark you as mine."

Chay bites his bottom lip and sighs. He wishes he could just walk around with Kim without pretending that they are just friends, but things are more complicated than that.  "My family is leaving tomorrow, Kim."