32. ☆ Own World ☆

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— KimChay are watching a K-drama with Tankhun... or more like Tankhun is watching and KimChay are in their own world —

"I'm so glad you guys agreed to watch it with me," Tankhun grins and plops on the sofa

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"I'm so glad you guys agreed to watch it with me," Tankhun grins and plops on the sofa.

"You forced us," Kim says.

 "Me?" Tankhun gasps.

"Yes, you, p'Khun," Chay says, "you said that if we won't watch it with you... you'll tell hia that p'Kim and I are dating."

"Well," Tankhun tilts his head, "I might have used radical steps, that's all."

Chay pouts, "meanie." 

Kim smiles and pecks Chay's cheek, "it's okay, baby. We're gonna somehow survive this."

"Tsk! Don't act like this is torture for you two," Tanhkun glares at the couple cuddled up together in the corner of the sofa, "you seem to be more than comfortable right now."

"If I have to watch something with you, at least let me hold my love while I do so," Kim winks and pecks Chay's cheek again.

"Ughhh gross!" Tankhun makes a disgusted grimace and turns to his TV. "I'm warning you, there will be a quiz about the drama at the end!"

"Don't worry, phi," Chay smiles brightly, "we'll watch every second."

"We definitely will," Kim nods.

"Fine," Tankhun nods and starts the k-drama.

The moment the intro rolls on the screen Chay turns to Kim completely, snuggling his hands under Kim's hoodie. "So warm," he whispers.

Kim smiles, pulling Chay even closer to himself, "aren't we watching the k-drama, baby?"

Chay shakes his head, "he is watching Goblin again. We already saw it too, remember?"

"Oh, yes yes we have watched it twice," Kim smirks. "So what else do you want to do, baby?"

Chay presses his finger on Kim's lips and leans closer, "speak a little more quietly, please. I don't want p'Khun to realise we are not watching."

Kim slightly nods, kissing Chay's finger, making him giggle.

"But about what I want to do," Chay starts, "I was thinking... kissing... cuddling... and even more kissing."

Kim cups Chay's cheek and brings their foreheads together, "you know, baby... I love your brain."

The new wave of Chay's giggles gets lost in Kim's lips, capturing Chay's. Kim nibbles on Chay's bottom lip, one of his hands is still on Chay's cheek while the other is making its way under Chay's (Kim's) shirt. Chay makes a quiet approving sound when Kim touches his naked skin under the shirt. Kim takes it as a sign and shoves his tongue into Chay's mouth. Chay doesn't waste a second before he is sucking on Kim's tongue his fingers under Kim's hoodie are teasingly dancing over his toned stomach. Kim hums into the kiss, letting his lips linger in the kiss for a little longer before he pulls away, their breathing heavy, lips well kissed.

Chay speaks first, "maybe we should slow down a little. I don't want p'Khun to see something inappropriate."

Kim quietly laughs, "I won't go with you beyond kissing in front of anyone and definitely not in front of my brother."

Chay blushes, "I know, but I'm not sure I can handle myself. You feel so good."

Kim's eyes get darker, he shakes his head and hugs Chay tightly, burying his head into the crook of Chay's neck, "ehmm... let's talk about something else, baby. How about when are we going to tell everyone that we are together?"

Chay is quiet for a couple of seconds and Kim is starting to fear that he messed up again but then Chay tugs on his hair and looks at him with bubbling excitement in his bambi eyes, "I was thinking about it. At first, I wasn't sure that telling them anytime soon would be a good thing but after p'Khun's little blackmailing, I think we should tell them as soon as possible. I'm not about to watch another k-drama when I can do better things with you." 

Kim smiles fondly, caressing Chay's hair, "are you sure that is a good reason to tell everyone?"

Chay nods and then he sighs, "honestly, it's not just that. I just want to be able to be clingy with you everywhere and be free, doing whatever we want to do anytime and anywhere we want to without being cautious if someone can see us or not."

Kim presses a kiss on Chay's forehead, nose and then finally his lips where he stays for a little longer. "I want that too, baby. Should we do it today?"

Chay enthusiastically nods "yeah."

"Hey! You two!" Tankhun whines, "you two aren't watching, right? What did I tell you will happen if you won't watch?"

Kim shrugs, "go tell them then."

"Yeah, go, p'Khun."

Tankhun drops the remote control he was holding, "I... ehmm... I...ok... I'm going." But he doesn't move at all, still looking at the young couple, confused, "I said I'm going."

Chay looks at Kim and takes his hand, "he isn't going. Let's do it ourselves."

"Let's go, love," Kim smiles as they both stand up from the sofa and walk towards the door.

Tankhun's jaw is on the floor, "wait... hey... what... wait... wait... REALLY?"