26. ☆ Every Breath You Take ☆

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"Who's that guy?"

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"Who's that guy?"

"What guy?"

Chay's classmate nods towards a black Aston Martin in front of the university, "that one. He has been watching Chay's every move for weeks now."

"Oh, that's Kimhan, his boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? But his behaviour is weird, isn't Chay uncomfortable with this?"

"Uncomfortable? You kidding? He LOVES it!"

Chay swings his arms around his friends' shoulders, "what are you two doing, huh? Let's go. The class starts in 5 minutes." 

"You done with taking selcas, ChayChay?"

"Yup," Chay nods, his eyes wander towards the black Aston Martin, he licks his lips and ducks his head down, "go without me. I'll be there soon."

His classmates look at each other with knowing looks and disappear inside.

Chay skips down the stairs and runs towards the car. He leans in through the window and smiles, "how's your watch today, p'Kim? Anything interesting so far?"

"Nothing besides your cute ass, angel," Kim replies, grabbing Chay's tie and pulling him into a kiss.

Chay slides his tongue inside, smiling when he realises that Kim decided to let him take over. Chay sucks on Kim's tongue, dancing with his own tongue everywhere he can. He moans when Kim bites his lip and reluctantly pulls away.

"I have a class, p'Kim. I'm sorry."

Kim pecks Chay's lips one more time and makes sure that his tie and white shirt are in the best condition, "I know, angel. I'll be going inside soon. You'll be in the library after the first class... I'll just wait there."

Chay giggles, "as always someone knows my schedule better than me."

"I know everything about you by heart, angel. Everything."

Chay leans in a kisses Kim again, "I love you."

"I adore you, Porchay."


The moment Chay leaves for his class, Kim gets out of his car and follows one of the students behind the university building. That boy doesn't even know how easy he is making this for Kim. The moment that boy is far enough away from everyone else, he lights up a cigarette and sighs in relief as he takes in the smoke.

Kim chuckles, stepping towards the boy he pins him to the wall and takes the cigarette away.

"Who the fuck—"

"Who allowed you to stare at my boyfriend's ass?" Kim growls.

"Dude, what the heck are you talking about? Let me fucking go!"

"Someone loves to play dumb, hmm? Well let's see." Kim takes the cigarette and without warning, he shoves it into the boy's eye. The boy screams and shakes but Kim doesn't even move a muscle, "how are you going to stare now? You won't! Kim grabs the boy's head and hits it repeatedly on the wall until he hears the skull cracking and feels the boy's pulse fading away.

"Porchay belongs to ME! Remember that in hell, you bastard!" Kim lets the body drop to the ground and leaves.


Chay is walking by the bookshelves when a hand grabs his wrist and pulls him behind another gigantic bookshelf. Chay smiles when he smells Kim's cologne mixed with cigarettes. He wraps his hands around Kim's neck and crushes their lips together, "hmmm, p'Kim... where were you earlier? I felt cold when your eyes weren't on me."

Kim traces wet kisses along Chay's jaw, down to his neck where he decides to create more hickeys so everyone will finally fucking understand that Porchay Kittisawat belongs ONLY to him! "Hmm, angel, I had a little problem to deal with."

Chay spots a couple of blood droplets on Kim's white shirt under his leather jacket, he moans at the sight, tangling up his fingers into Kim's hair, "did you kill someone for me again, phi?"

Kim hums, "I did, angel. That bastard was staring at your ass." Kim slides his hands lower, squeezing Chay's ass tightly, "this pretty ass belongs only to me, just like all of you, angel. Am I right?"

Chay looks at Kim with eyes full of lust and flushed cheeks, "you are right, p'Kim. All of me belongs only to you."