48. ☆ My Baby ☆

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"Oh... Khun Porchay, we didn't know you'd be here today," a guard at the gate says.

"I came to see my boyfriend, I don't think I have to announce myself to anyone but him or do I?"

"N-no, of course not, khun Porchay. Khun Kimhan is—"

"ChayChay!" Kim's honey-like voice fills the air and seconds later Kim is jumping into Chay's arms, nuzzling his nose into Chay's neck.

"Hey, baby," Chay softly chuckles, wrapping his arms around Kim's petite waist, "you look so pretty... all white today."

Kim pulls away, with a pink hue on his cheeks he smiles at Chay, "you like how I look in white. I wanted to look pretty for you."

Chay kisses Kim's forehead, and brushes his fingers through Kim's silky hair, "you always look pretty for me, baby."

Kim blushes even more but looks at Chay again, "can we go for a walk? I was kinda bored inside."

Chay interlocks their fingers and brings Kim for a quick gentle kiss, "we'll do anything my baby wants to do."

Kim grins, "anything?"

"Anything," Chay replies and kisses Kim again.

Just when Chay is distracted enough by Kim's sweet lips on his own, Kim quickly pushes him away and takes his sunglasses, "these are mine now!"

Chay shakes his head, licking his lips that still taste like his boyfriend, "give them back, baby."

"Catch me if you can!" Kim grins and starts running away.

Chay chuckles, running a hand through his hair, he looks at the guard who all this time pretended he wasn't even there, "just so you know, buddy... this is my privilege... he is a softy only for me." 

Less than a minute later, Chay's arms are wrapped around Kim and Kim is giggling into another kiss that Chay is planting onto his neck, the sunglasses safely still in Kim's possession. After all, everything that belongs to Chay belongs to Kim too. 

And the guard even after all those years can't comprehend how a man that rips out guts from someone's stomach and cuts off someone's fingers, is giggling in the arms of a man for whom killing is just a fun but one sad look from his baby is the end of the world... 

☆ The End ☆