81. ☆ Love The Way You Kill ☆

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— torturing a man to death or cuddling on the sofa while watching cartoons? KimChay can do both on the same day —

"When do you idiots learn?" Kim scratches the back of his head with a gun and squads down to be at the same eye level with a half-dead man

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"When do you idiots learn?" Kim scratches the back of his head with a gun and squads down to be at the same eye level with a half-dead man. "Things that are off limit: Theerapanyakul compound and especially... my husband! How do you expect us to play fair if you and your silly little family can't do that... huh?" Kim suddenly shouts right into the man's face. "Tell me! Some stupid family waltzes in from Japan and I'm supposed to be scared because what?" Kim laughs, "ohhh Yakuza oh nooo my knees are shaking! Bullshit! You have been warned... many many times! You should have listened when I was nice!"

"Wrong," Chay emerges from the kitchen, fingers lightly tapping on the blade of a butcher knife. "You should have listened when I was nice!"

The half-dead man chuckles. There's no emotions behind it. Insanity is dripping out of every high-pitched tone. "Slut!"

"Oh no," Chay pouts. "Should I be offended? What else am I? Whore? Bitch? Where do you think you are? At the children's playground? You think I never heard this before or what?"

"Only sluts would marry a Theerapanyakul, fucking lowlife! Nothing else."

Chay is now the one to chuckle, "but you got his correct—I am a slut for my husband, aren't I, honey?" Chay wraps his arms around Kim's neck, careful not to cut him with the knife.

"The best," Kim smirks and gives Chay's ass a harsh slap.

Chay hums and turns his attention back to their dear guest on the floor. "I didn't appreciate the bomb under my car. Or the poison in my wine. Or..." Chay's voice gets low, "I didn't fucking appreciate the attack on the compound and shooting at my brother! You know that he was getting out of it for months! One of his legs is still giving him some trouble sometimes!"

"Shit!" the man groans. "Do you always talk so much? Fucking annoying!"

"Step away!" Chay orders to Kim and a moment later the first sharp swing of the butcher knife ominously resounds through the air and the blade hits the man's shoulder close to the neck—digging deep into the flesh and bones. The man barely winces, but his body starts shaking. The moment Chay takes the knife out the blood starts squirting all over the man, some even covers Chay's legs.

"Well," Chay cocks his head to the left watching the man bleeding out. "Looks like I hit your artery on the first try. I didn't expect to get that deep already."

"I sharpened the knives last night, baby," Kim laughs from the corner of the room, arms crossed on his chest, fondly watching Chay do what he loves.

Chay smirks, "looks like you should thank my husband for the faster death."

When the man doesn't respond, Chay grabs his chin and forces him to look up, "hey, hey, not so fast! What kind of person would I be if I didn't ask you what you want me to do with your body... parts?" Chay presses the blade of the knife to the man's other shoulder, gliding the blade lightly down his arm, "what do you say? Should I cut you into parts? Limb by limb? Then we can bake you into some brownies or shit..." Chay licks his lips, "I heard your kids love sweets. And brownies are delicious, aren't they, babe?"

Chay looks at Kim. Kim just shakes his head, laughing, "sure, baby. They are."

"So, what do you think? Wanna feed your kids?"

The man lets out some gurgling noises, body shakes so much that it's almost too hard for Chay to keep the knife pressed to the man's skin. Then it stops. The man's head hangs low, no noises coming out of his mouth anymore. Chay laughs, throwing the knife next to the body. "He really thought I'd feed his kids with him."

"Perfect acting, baby," Kim pulls Chay into a hungry kiss.

Chay hums, caressing the back of Kim's neck with his fingers, "thank you, honey."

"I call Big to clean and we can go home?" Kim asks.

Chay smiles, "yeah, I wanna watch Tom & Jerry."

Kim rolls his eyes, "again? How about Scooby Doo?"

"As long as you keep your hands all over me we can watch both," Chay's teeth graze Kim's ear as he whispers, "deal?"


"Tom & Jerry is better," Chay sighs in contentment, melting under Kim's lips all over his neck. They just finished watching the tenth episode in a row of Tom & Jerry, and Chay reluctantly holds the remote control, switching to Scooby Doo.

"Scooby Doo has the mystery element which makes it immediately better, baby," Kim mumbles and goes back to sucking and licking Chay's delicate neck. 

Chay tugs on Kim's hair and makes him look at the TV, "if it's so good then focus on it!"

"But you are better to focus on," Kim smirks.

"Yeah?" Chay cocks his eyebrow, "well, I don't know, I'm suddenly really interested in that mystery element you were talking about. Watch!"

So Kim does, but his hand won't stay still. Instead, it slowly finds its way under Chay's sweatpants and wraps around Chay's cock. Chay glares at Kim, "horny."

Kim keeps looking at the TV when he says, "for you, always."