64. ☆ The Mafia Neighbour ☆

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"Come on, Chay! It's gonna be fun!"

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"Come on, Chay! It's gonna be fun!"

"It's a gym, Neo!" Chay rolls his eyes.

"Come on! As a moral support."

Chay sighs, "fine... fine!"


Chay is sitting in the corner, turning page after page of his book. He wants to go home. But when he looks up...

Chay drops the book on his lap and tries his best not to stare. That's his new neighbour, right there. Right in front of him. White tank top is hugging his body tightly. It's a little see-through in some places where the sweat from working out made it stuck to his skin. His dark hair is falling into his eyes, and why the fuck does Chay finds it so attractive? He has to stop staring! A couple more seconds and his neighbour will for sure notice him... Ahh shit! Looks like he already did.


Chay drops his eyes back on the book. 

He wasn't looking. He was not!

"What are you reading?"

Oh no... that's a nice voice. Nice body. Nice voice. If that guy also has a nice personality... well, Chay is pretty screwed. Slowly, he raises his head, "um... me?"

His neighbour laughs and sits down next to Chay, "not many people read books in a gym."

"Ah... um yeah," Chay points at Neo lifting some weights on the other side of the gym, "I'm waiting for my friend to be done."

"Doesn't answer my question. What are you reading?"

"Reading... oh yeah... It's Frankenstein."

His neighbour nods, "good one. I quite like the monster's point of view."

"Oh, you read it?" Chay beams.

"'Course I did. I'm Kim by the way. Your new neighbour."

"Um yes... I know," Chay laughs, "I mean... I know that you are my new neighbour not that your name is Kim.." he ducks his head in embarrassment. "Sorry... I—I'm rambling too much."

Kim's smile is sweet when he leans closer, "so, will I learn your name as well?"

"Chay," Chay breathes out, "I'm Chay."

Kim's smile gets even wider. He gets back on his legs and looks down at Chay, "how about we grab some coffee? I'll just take a quick shower first."

Chay can feel his heart somewhere in his throat already. No way his hot neighbour is asking him out! Wait, is he? Chay can't overthink now. Quickly, he nods, "I like coffee."