33. ☆ Royal Fire ☆

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"The first time I saw prince Kimhan genuinely smile was on his wedding day with prince Porchay

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"The first time I saw prince Kimhan genuinely smile was on his wedding day with prince Porchay."

"I heard they didn't want to get married at first."

"Oh yes. They wanted to kill each other. One time they almost burned down the castle."

"This way, my love," Kim chuckles, sliding his arm around his husband's waist and pulling him to the left after they are done walking the red carpet.

Chay groans, "this place is even more confusing than the Royal Castle and I did get lost there the first couple of times I was there, remember?"

Kim tries to hide his big smile but fails miserably.

"Don't laugh!" Chay elbows Kim, "it was your fault I got lost there. And it definitely wasn't funny."

"Well, it was to me."

"Kimhan!" Chay throws Kim a killing stare.

"Ohhh," Kim cups Chay's face and kisses his pouty lips, "is my precious love angry? Don't be angry, baby."

Chay shakes his head, "not angry."

"Really?" Kim grins.

"Really, your royal highness prince Kimhan."

Kim shakes his head, looking around he quickly pulls Chay behind the nearest corner, hoping that their bodyguards are smart enough to know when is time to let them be alone. Kim takes his husband into his arms and starts peppering kisses all over his neck, "you are so cute today; you know that?"

"Only today?" Chay grabs Kim's chin, forcing Kim to look up at him.

"Well, every day, my love. But today you are especially cute," Kim answers softly.

Chay giggles, "okay, good answer, baby."

Kim leans in to peck Chay's pink lips once... twice... thrice... until Chay starts laughing and then Kim deepens the kiss, taking Chay's breath away.

Someone behind them clears their throat, "ehmm, I'm really sorry to bother you your royal highness prince Porchay and your royal higness prince Kimhan but the auction starts soon."

Kim groans, "we should go, my love." He takes Chay's hand and kisses his forehead.

Chay sighs, "time to get bored to death."

"Here's your seats, please sit down."

"After you, my love," Kim lets Chay sit down first and then he sits down next to him, not once letting go of Chay's hand.

Suddenly Chay leans to Kim's ear, "do you remember that time when we almost burned down the Royal Castle?"

Kim smirks, looking at Chay, "you mean when YOU almost did it, darling."

[two years ago] 

Chay has enough!

Enough of a stupid birthday party! Enough of Kimhan acting like the angel himself! And definitely enough of everyone saying how he and Kim are the most beautiful couple they have ever seen. 'Cause the heck they are not! They are not even a couple! Chay's favourite thing to do recently is trying to find ways to kill this stupid face prince "Charming!"

And right now in this exact moment, he might as well do it in front of everyone!

"...and then I found out that my dear fiance can't even hold up a sword. Isn't he so adorable... so weak?" Kim smirks in satisfaction, seeing Chay turning red from anger.

That's it!

Weak? Chay is gonna show that idiot who's the weak one! Just to be clear, Chay doesn't think this through at all; he just throws himself on Kim, tackling him to the floor and in the process, he accidentally pushes the birthday cake with candles still lit up, off the table and as the cake falls the near curtains catch the fire. You'd be surprised how those old dusty curtains can be so fast to light up like fireworks.


Everyone around starts screaming, and one of the guests is paying attention to the royal couple who quickly stands up and gets lost out of the hall even quicker. Chay runs for his life! Or at least he feels like it until Kim grabs his wrist and pulls him to his body, Chay's back pressed to Kim's chest tightly.

"What the fuck are you doing? Let me go!"

"No!" Kim's grip on Chay gets tighter, "what were you trying to do back there, huh? If you wanted to touch me so bad you could have just said it. We are engaged after all, darling," Kim whispers into Chay's ear and Chay prays to god that the reason why he shivered after that is because he is disgusted and not something else.

"Let me go, Kimhan..." Chay's voice is serious enough that Kim does as he is told. 

"I'm not weak," Chay looks into Kim's deep dark eyes, "you know that the reason why I couldn't hold that sword properly that time was that I had sprained my wrist. Stop making me look weak! Stop making me look like I'm not man enough! Just stop already, Kimhan!" Chay doesn't know when he raised his voice but it feels good to finally let it all out.

For the first time since they met, Kim looks like Chay's words got to him. He nods, licking his lips, "I'm sorry. Look, Porchay, "it was never my intention to make you feel less like a man. I never really wanted to make fun of you but... you just drive me fucking nuts and I just — "

Chay must have lost his goddamn mind! He is kissing the stupid face prince Charming and he likes it! Kim's arms are wrapped around Chay once again and suddenly it doesn't feel as wrong as before... in fact, it feels right... it feels safe.

"Chay I..." Kim breathes out.

"Maybe... maybe I really did want to touch you back there," Chay whispers.

Kim softly smiles, their lips gravitating to each other again but then... 


The screams get back to them and their eyes widen in shock.

"Shit! The fire!"

[present time]

Chay laughs into Kim's shoulder, "you stood too close to the cake. It was your fault."

Kim cocks an eyebrow, "sure, sure, you know what my love, I think that the culprit is the cake. Why was it in your way to touch me? It shouldn't have been there at all."

Chay nods with a completely serious face, "you know what? You are 100% correct!"

"Yeah?" Kim captures Chay's lips in a slow kiss, "life's not fair! I want to go home and kiss my husband more."

Chay brushes his fingers through Kim's hair, "the king said we have to get something from the auction but he didn't say what it should be so let's just get the first thing and then go home."

Kim tilts his head and bites his bottom lip, "my husband is a genius and I love him so much. Tell him that in case you see him somewhere, khun Chay."

"Hmmm," Chay nods, "I met him already and he is saying that he loves his less clever husband too."

"Less clever—" Kim wants to complain but all his complaints get lost in another sweet kiss from his prince.