93. ☆ You ☆

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— KimChay are best friends. They attended the same high school and now college. They are always together, so it's no wonder that when they get bored at one of the frat parties, they end up hiding together in a bathroom as well...the making out part is, however, new —

"Is our little Kimmy gonna show up tonight with his 'not boyfriend just best friend' again?"

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"Is our little Kimmy gonna show up tonight with his 'not boyfriend just best friend' again?"

Kim throws a basketball at his teammate, Mark, "yes, I will! Suck it up!"

Everyone around them laughs, and Mark chuckles, "you'll see... one of those parties will change  everything, buddy!"


"When?" Chay throws a basketball up in the air and catches it again. He is lying on Kim's bed, while Kim is changing his clothes fresh out of the shower.

"7 pm."

"Ok, that sounds good. I'm in."

"I know," Kim grins, putting a black t-shirt over his head. "I already told them you'll be coming."

A familiar sensation of basketball hitting him suddenly runs through his body. Playfully, he glares at Chay, "hey!"

"What?" Chay cocks his eyebrow. "What if I couldn't go?"

"Yeah, yeah," Kim  rolls his eyes, "you always go everywhere with me, sweetie."

Chay shrugs, "can't argue with that."

Satisfied, Kim grabs a towel from the bathroom and sits next to Chay on the bed. He shows the towel to Chay's hand and gives him his best 'lost kitten' eyes.

Chay rolls his eyes and starts drying Kim's hair, "you are such a baby, sometimes."

"I'm older than you."

"By five months, and it isn't stopping you from being a baby," Chay tugs on Kim's hair a little harder, making Kim let out a wince and glare at him.  "Hey!"


Loud music is resounding through the house. Everything stinks with alcohol, cigarettes, and sweat, and Chay is finishing his fifth beer, legs thrown in Kim's lap on the sofa.

"Why do you always say yes to Mark, hmm? His parties are always so  booooooring."

Kim cocks his eyebrow, "you didn't have fun, playing the bottle?"

"Fuck no," Chay scoffs.

Kim laughs and pats Chay's thigh, "wanna go somewhere less loud?"

"Heck yeah," Chay rolls down from the sofa and, with Kim's help, gets up and follows Kim through the house.

The bathroom is dark and pleasantly quiet. Chay finally feels like he can breathe properly, even though he is starting to have a pretty shitty headache. They are standing face to face, Kim sharing his beer with him. 

"So, tell me," Kim starts.  "Why are you always so bothered by me kissing people during Spin the Bottle?"

Chay shrugs, leaning against the wall he rolls his eyes, "because I am a hopeless romantic who believes in true love and thinks that you should be kissing only the person you are dating." 

Kim chuckles, "nice one... now the truth."

"What truth?" Chay frows and puts the empty can of beer on the shelf next to his head.

"Chay," Kim sighs, "you seem a little off for a while. You don't even usually drink so much," Kim points at the empty beer can.  "Come on, Chay. I'm your best friend, you can tell me anything."

"Maybe it's exactly because you are my best friend, that I can't!" Chay suddenly yells.

Kim steps closer to Chay, his eyes worriedly scanning Chay's face, "Chay... what is happening?"

Chay looks away from Kim and mumbles under his breath, "fuck this!" 

Kim's mind is blank, but his lips naturally chase Chay's, kissing Chay back. He feels his back hitting the wall and Chay's hands all over his body... Chay's lips hungrily devouring his own without stopping. And maybe it should feel weird. Maybe he should push Chay away. And pretend this never happened. But Kim has never felt so good with someone's lips taking his breath away and hands holding his waist so tightly that he is almost positive it will leave bruises.

"Chay..." he breathes out when Chay's lips leave his own and are on their way to mark his neck when Chay suddenly stops as if Kim's voice calling his name woke him up from a spell he was under. 

"Chay?" Kim repeats Chay's name, but this time that one word is filled with fear and confusion. Was this a mistake?  Chay definitely thinks it was a mistake.  Drunk mistake.

"I'm sorry," Chay says so quietly that it is almost inaudible and runs out of the bathroom before Kim can move or say anything at all.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Kim runs after Chay, but he can't find him anywhere anymore. "Chay? Chay? Porchay?"

"What is it, Kimmy?" Mark laughs, "troubles in paradise?"


Kim is lying on his bed where Chay was just this afternoon and keeps dialling Chay's number over and over again.  Yes, he could go to Chay's house, but he figured if Chay needed space, Kim would give it to him.  As much as he needs. But he still needs to hear Chay's voice at least. Needs to know that Chay is okay. Even if he himself isn't.

When Chay doesn't pick up his phone for the fifteenth time, Kim decides to send him a voice message instead.

"Chay," Kim groans, "please just talk to me. Let me know if you are okay. Fuck, if you think I'm mad at you or upset, I promise you I'm not. We are okay, Chay. I swear to you... we are okay."

There's a knock at his door the moment Kim sends the message. He almost jumps out of bed, hoping praying it's Chay, even though Kim knows Chay wouldn't knock. Chay has a key.

But when he opens the door, his best friend is there. Eyes swollen from crying, he repeats the same words he left Kim with last night, "I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry."

"Oh, shut up!" Kim reaches out for Chay's hand and pulls him inside.  "What if I kiss you now?" Kim asks, their faces only inches away. "Will I have to run away crying as well?"

Chay huffs a broken laugh, "shut up!"

"I'm serious, Chay. I want to kiss you again. You are not the only one who wanted to do it for a while."

"I..." Chay licks his lips, "I didn't fuck up our friendship?"

Kim shakes his head, "I think you did... because I don't  think that I can be only a friend anymore."

"You don't get it, Kim!" Chay pulls away, "I love you. Not like a friend. I have been in love with you for a while! Don't joke about this, please."

Kim pulls Chay back, holding his face, "Chay, how can you think I don't love you? It's always been you, silly. My best friend, boyfriend, soulmate, my Chay who protests whenever he has to dry my hair but always does it. My one and only love. For fuck sake, Chay, the only reason why I never tried anything was because having you by my side as a friend who I can't openly love was better than not having you in my life at all."

Chay smiles, "I fucking hate you! As always, I had to do everything!"

"Well, now it's my turn," Kim leans in, kissing his best friend who IS his boyfriend now.