Fairy Tail Arc Opening!

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We see a bunch of fairies flying across the screen as we transition to you standing right by the Fairy Tail Guild Hall with you revealing the Fairy Tail Guild Mark on the back of your right hand. 

You're also joined by Team RWBY with their Guild Marks showing, having the colors that represent them! 

We cut over to Natsu, who is seen just having taken out a bunch of bad guys, though having destroyed a town in the process, and he runs with Happy as several villagers angrily chase him! 

Lucy is seen writing for a new novel in her house, with Plue dancing on her table, only for her to be shocked by Natsu and Happy showing up inside, and she Lucy Kicks them out! 

Gray is now seen leaning against a wall, only in a matter of minutes, he gets in trouble for stripping by accident again! 

Erza takes a deep breath, and withdraws her sword as several enemies come her way, and she cuts them down! 

Wendy is seen getting ice cream, while Carla sits by her side and drinks some Darjeeling Tea. 

We open up to see the Members of Fairy Tail, with Gajeel munching on scrap metal and Pantherlily sitting by his side and eating some kiwis. Juvia is nearby, resting on a body pillow of Gray, and Levy is sitting right by her, reading and sighing with a smile. Elfman is seen boasting about how much of a real man he is, as both Mirajane and Lisanna just laugh at their brother's antics, Cana comes up next, grabbing a massive barrel of alcohol and finishing the whole thing in a matter of seconds. 

They're followed up by Laxus, and the Thunder Legion minding their own business, as Makarov looks over his children and laughs happily with a big smile. 

You are then seen traveling with Team RWBY and Team Natsu, with Natsu and Wendy both in pain due to Motion Sickness, much to the irritation of their friends, and Ruby comforting them both. 

The whole team travels across Fiore on their big adventure, with a Dark Guild seen looking over them! They are laughing and jump to attack as you get our a bunch of your weapons thanks to Requip Magic, and unleash different elements on them! 

Natsu entered Lightning Fire Dragon Mode and unleashed a massive breath attack, Lucy summons her spirits, and is seen switching between her different Star Dresses, Gray enters Demon Slayer Mode, and prepares to cast a big attack, Ruby speeds up as she spins Crescent Rose to strike her opponents, Weiss uses Ice Make Magic on her rapier, and prepares to unleash more ice constructs to back her up, Blake summons shadows to unleash her attacks from, and disappears through them as well, Yang is seen using Take Over Magic on her arms, and different elements on them as well! 

Erza transforms into her Clear Heart Clothes and charged with her Benizakura, while Happy and Carla enter their human forms and prepare a punch, Wendy enters Dragon Force, and gets ready to fight as well! 

We finally finish off with you, using all the various elements you have, and release a Dragon Slayer Breath Attack, ending with Team (Y/N) all together! 

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