Prepare for the Final Battle!

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You wandered so far with your allies that you didn't even know where you were. 

(Y/N): Hadlar ... I don't believe it. He actually saved our lives. But ... Dai. 

You looked at him. 

(Y/N): I'm sorry, buddy. I failed you. I- 

Dai woke up there! 

Dai: NO! DAD! I- 

(Y/N): DAI! 

Dai: Huh? (Y/N)? What happened? 


You hugged him! 


Dai: Yeah, of course I am. All I remember was Vearn hitting me and- 

(Y/N): You said you saw Baran? 

Dai: I did. 

He explained to you how he met the God of Dragons and how he would be the last of the Dragon Knights. And Baran went to the afterlife in place of him. 

(Y/N): Even from beyond the grave. Wow, Baran. Okay! We need to stop Vearn before he hurts anyone else. 

Dai: RIGHT! But what do we do about the others? 

(Y/N): Hmm ... well- 

???: HEY! YOU GUYS! 

Chiu appeared. 

(Y/N): CHIU! Oh thank goodness. 

Chiu: Hey, what exactly happened? 

(Y/N): We ran into trouble. 

Chiu: Well dont' worry! My Beast King Corps are here to help! 

He summoned some monsters. 

Dai: AGH! CHIU! 

Chiu: No, it's okay. They work for me! 

(Y/N): Okay, good. Whew. Do you know where Leona is? 

Chiu: Yes! Follow me! 

Chiu lead the way as the monsters carried the injured! 

And soon... 

Leona: (Y/N)!!!! 

Leona hugged you tightly! 

Leona: (crying) I was so worried about you! Are you okay? 

(Y/N): Yeah. Don't worry Leona. I'm fine. 

???: Ah, so you're (Y/N) the Hero. 

(Y/N): And you are? 

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(Y/N): And you are? 

Flora: My name is Flora. I'm the Queen of Carl. 

(Y/N): WAIT! You're from the same country as Master Avan? 

Flora: Yes. And you trained under him. 

(Y/N): I did. He was one of the greatest men I ever knew. 

Flora: I know. But, I'm glad you're here. Listen, we need to get ready to fight back against Vearn. 

(Y/N): Okay! What do we need to do? 

Flora: I'm going to go with Leona into the Cave of Trials so that she can learn a spell in order to weaken the defenses of Vearn's Palace, and in the meantime, you'll train with the others. 

(Y/N): What about- 

Leona: I used my magic on them, so they should be fine. 

(Y/N): Good! Anyone else who is joining in? 

???: That would be me. 

Lon appeared. 

(Y/N): LON! 

Lon Beruk: Have you been taking care of your Demon Dragon Blade? 

(Y/N): Yes. I- 

Lon Beruk: Good. I have brought new weapons for your friends. 

(Y/N): Thanks. But ... will you actually be joining in the fight? 

Lon Beruk: Yes. You know, I never actually cared about working for Vearn. I only went along with him because of my chance to make weapons. 

(Y/N): And yet you- 

Lon Beruk: Like I said, there is no good or evil in making weapons. I only do it because of my passion as a Blacksmith. Now, are you ready? 


Lon Beruk: GOOD! 


Hym: Are you sure about this Lord Hadlar? 

Haldar: Never more than ever. (Y/N) will return to Vearn Palace, and we will have our final match. In the meantime, you three take out his friends. 

Sigma: But ... you might die. 

Hadlar: I don't care if I die. I will settle things with him. I know it's a stretch ... but I will do what I sacrificed everything for. 

Albinass: As you wish, Lord Hadlar. 

The final battle was coming! 

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