Meet the Three Houses!!

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You, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Byleth begin to meet up with the house leaders to learn about those who'll be learning under you guys.

First: Edelgard...

Edelgard: I was hoping you would lend your strength to the Empire. I never properly introduced myself, did I? My name is Edelgard von Hresvelg. I am the princess and heir apparent to the Adrestian Empire. I wonder if you'll be tasked with leading the Black Eagles...

(Y/N): Nice to meet you Edelgard.

Byleth: And what about the rest of the Black Eagles?

Edelgard: Hmm ... you already know me. I'm a bit distant, arrogant even, but there's little to be done. Then there's Hubert. He has served me since I was a child. You may think his blood runs a bit cold, but... Heh, actually, that's rather accurate. Still, if you can get past that, you'll see he's quite astute and reasonable. Next is Ferdinand. For some reason, he thinks of me as a bitter rival and is always trying to challenge me. It's terribly irritating. His house is that of Duke Aegir, which produces Adrestia's Prime Ministers. That family is...perhaps too pleased with its own status. Lindhart is remarkably intelligent, but he only wishes to apply himself to tasks that particularly interest him and nothing else. He's also fond of...well, napping. If he had any work ethic or sense of duty to speak of, I suppose he would be destined to become an official of the Empire. As for Caspar, he's the second son of Count Bergliez. He has no inheritance in his future, which is perhaps why he's always so eager to prove himself. He's overly energetic and rushes headfirst into any battle. If he ends up in your care, be sure to keep a close eye on him. Bernadetta is next. She's Count Varley's only daughter. I suppose you could say she's a bit eccentric, but she seems like a gentle soul. I believe she's shut herself away in her quarters and doesn't care to leave, but...don't worry. I'll make sure she finds her way to class. Then we have our only commoner, Dorothea. Few commoners have joined the Black Eagle House, but Dorothea is an exception. She's a songstress from a famous opera company in the Empire. I'm not entirely sure what brought her to the Officers Academy. And lastly there's Petra. To the west of Fódlan is an archipelago called Brigid. Petra is the granddaughter of their king. Brigid is a vassal state of the Empire, which is how she came to be enrolled here. She's incredibly smart and studious.

Blake had written that all down.

Blake: Got that all down.

(Y/N): Thanks Edelgard.

Edelgard: It is my pleasure.

She bowed.

Next: Dimitri and the Blue Lions...

Dimitri: Please accept my apologies for the other day. You came to our aid, yet I hadn't even the courtesy to properly introduce myself. I am Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, crown prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Of course, at the academy I am simply a student. 

Yang: Dimitri, what's up my man?

Weiss: Yang, don't talk to a prince like that. Dimitri, would you mind telling us about the Blue Lions?

Blake: I got more to write then?

Dimitri: Well about myself-

He then remembered something traumatic.

Dimitri: M-My apologies. I'd rather not discuss it.

(Y/N): Something scary?

Byleth: It is okay Dimitri. You don't need to discuss it.

Dimitri: Thank you. First there's Dedue. Dedue was born in Duscur, and has been loyally working in my service for the past four years. He's rather taciturn, but once you get to know him, you'll see he's a kind and good-natured young man. Next is Felix. Felix is the heir to House Fraldarius. He has a bit of a sharp tongue, but don't let that fool you. Deep down, he's a good guy. He gravitates towards people who are skilled. Perhaps you would enjoy a friendly competition with him sometime. Afterwards is Ashe. He's the adoptive son of Lord Lonato of Castle Gaspard, but I hear he was born a commoner. He has an extremely earnest personality, so I'm certain he will approach your lectures with great enthusiasm. Then there's Sylvain. Sylvain is the heir to House Gautier. He is a capable person who highly values his friends. That said... Well, he's always been a bit of a...ahem, skirt chaser, so to speak. Pardon my bluntness. I speak with him about it often, but it doesn't seem to help. As for the women, first we have Mercedes. I hear she was born to Imperial nobility, but a twist of fate brought her to the Kingdom. She may seem carefree on the surface, but she's actually a kind soul who pays careful attention to everyone around her. Next is Annette. Annette is Baron Dominic's niece. She is a talented student who scored extremely high marks at the Royal School of Sorcery. She's cheerful and hardworking. Brilliant, really. Though she can be a bit oblivious at times. I hear she caused an explosion in the kitchen last night... and finally there's Ingrid. Ingrid is Count Galatea's daughter. She is also a childhood friend of Felix, Sylvain and myself. She is diligent, industrious, and principled. In truth, she is more knightly than most knights you will ever meet.

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