Embarassed Corrin!/Camilla's Flirting!

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(Y/N): Corrin? You okay?

Corrin was hiding her face in a pillow, and screaming into it.

Corrin: AAAAARGH!!!

(Y/N): Come on girl.

Corrin revealed her face.

Corrin: Hey (Y/N). Camilla just won't stop being sisterly.

(Y/N): Ha! I figured as much!

Camilla: Oh Corrin!

Corrin: Oh dear.

Camilla appeared in well ... this.

(Y/N): Oh hey Camilla!

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(Y/N): Oh hey Camilla!

Camilla: Hello (Y/N), my prince!

Corrin: CAMILLA! What is that?

Camilla: I thought we could work out a sweat, and then after that, you and I can take a bath. Together.

Corrin: I KNEW IT!!

(Y/N): Geez Camilla. How much are you going to flaunt your sex appeal?

Camilla: What? My baby sister and my future husband are both here, so ... I have to flaunt it as much as possible!

(Y/N): Yeah, that's Camilla alright.

Corrin: You're fine with it?

(Y/N): She's my girl after all! Actually, the way she talks to me is like-


Byleth and Edelgard looked at each other deeply in love.

Byleth: So, shall this Professor grade you for your exceptional performance?

Edelgard: Of course. The Emperor agrees.

The two started to make out a lot, and remove their clothes for some hardcore sex!

Back with you...

Camilla: How beautiful. Maybe we should do the same.

(Y/N): Where?

Camilla: In the tub! And we can have Corrin watch for experience! Oh, it'll be cute when she gets the chance to-


(Y/N): Awww!

Camilla: You're too cute Corrin! Let Big Sister calm you down.

Both of you kissed her on the cheeks.

Corrin: Okay, that was much better.

Camilla: TOO CUTE!!

Camilla hugged both you and Corrin into her boobies!

(Y/N): And there she goes.

Corrin: (Sigh) That's my sister.

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