Fight inside the Wily Egg!

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You, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Sonic, Tails, Mega Man, and Rush made it inside of the Wily Egg!

Ruby: Don't you find it convenient that we had three methods of getting inside?

Weiss: A bit too convenient.

(Y/N): I'm surprised Wily and Eggman are just giving us the opportunity to break in.

Sonic: Don't be too sure, Pal. If I know how Eggman designs his bases, there's a bunch of traps nearby.

Mega Man: And if I know how Wily designs each of his bases, then there are definitely-

Yang: Yeah, we get it. Both of them just love to leave booby traps all over their castles. I'd say the best way is to bring Knuckles over and piss him off the point that he goes into-

Blake: A blind rage and punches them all to pieces?

Yang: The guy doesn't think when he's confused.

(Y/N): Yeah no. Let's just hurry.

The entrance had a bunch of rooms where the lights turned on and off depending on where you guys stepped, then there were ones with-

Ruby: Not these things!

(Y/N): Appearing and disappearing blocks over a floor of spikes.

Mega Man: I really hate these ones.

Sonic: Luckily, we got means to get over.

You used Stormbreaker to fly the girls over, Tails carried Sonic over, and Mega Man rode on Rush.

Tails: How many more traps are there going to be?

Weiss: I'd say until we're near death.

Then you all entered some doors to the next level, only for three figures to appear!

Enker (One of the Mega Man Killers! He has the mirror buster which can let him deflect enemy attacks!)

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Enker (One of the Mega Man Killers! He has the mirror buster which can let him deflect enemy attacks!)

Enker (One of the Mega Man Killers! He has the mirror buster which can let him deflect enemy attacks!)

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Punk (Another of the Mega Man Killers! He prefers fighting fair and square!)

Ballade (The third of the Mega Man Killers! He claims to be the strongest robot in the world!)

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Ballade (The third of the Mega Man Killers! He claims to be the strongest robot in the world!)

Mega Man: The Mega Man Killers.

Yang: Ugh! More Wily Robots?!

(Y/N): Seriously, he could make a fortune selling these off to military companies! Why does he waste his time- Oh right, petty jealousy.

You all began to attack the trio with Enker reflecting the attacks of you, Weiss, and Blake, Punk punching it out with Yang, and Sonic, Ruby, Tails, and Mega Man dodging the attacks of Ballade, who launched explosives everywhere!

(Y/N): Okay, these guys are pretty tough!

Yang: Yeah, no kidding.

Sonic: Maybe we could use their attacks to our advantage. I think Mr. Punk over there could be fooled into hitting his buddies.

(Y/N): And I doubt that horned guy's bombs won't be reflected by the other guy when they explode.

You all came up with the strategy, and-


Ruby tricks Ballade into firing his bombs, and then-

Punk: Argh! Hold still!

Yang: Then catch me!

Punk hit Ballade, causing him to fire an explosive into Enker!

Ballade: ENKER!!

(Y/N): We got them now!

You threw Sonic into Ballade as Mega Man fired a charged shot right into Punk!

And they both exploded!

(Y/N): Okay! That should do it!

On the next level...

Right there were two certain robots.

???: Look who came all this way just to get destroyed.

(Y/N): Bass, and Metal Sonic too!

Ruby: You both just don't know when to quit.

Blake: That would mean that both doctors are close.

Metal Sonic wagged his finger while getting into battle position.

Yang: You want to go Tin Can?! You're on! Both you and Fins are going down!

Bass: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice try, but we've got a surprise for you! METAL SONIC!! TREBLE!! LET'S GO!!

Treble appeared, and the three fused together into a Blue winged Bass!



Bass began to steam with anger.


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