Yang and Raven Date!

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You, Yang, and Raven were going out to a nightclub, and well ... the two were dressed in some biker outfits.

Yang: So, we're out having some fun! 

Raven: I admit, it feels nice to sit back and relax considering all that we've endured recently. 

(Y/N): Atta girl Raven! It's always good to sit back and relax! 

Yang: Yeah! Let's party! 

With that... 

All three of you walked in, and began to party a lot, through dancing, some drinks, and well, lots of kissing with you and the girls! 


(Y/N): Yang, how much have you drank? 

Yang: HIC! G-Get off ... my back. I don't need to take this. 

Raven: Yang. 

Yang: Hey Mom ... you know ... I gave you a lot of hard shit ... but you can actually be really cool. 

Raven blushed and tried to shake it off. 

Raven: (Y/N), we should go home now. 

(Y/N): Okay, yeah, that's fine. 

You all left, and well, you smirked. 

(Y/N): You girls are just amazing. 

Raven: Thanks. 

(Y/N): Your welcome. I mean that of course. 

Raven: (blushing) I know. 

She kissed you, and then kissed Yang on the forehead. 

Raven: Let's do something fun again sometime, okay? 

(Y/N): Yeah! 

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