Professor Byleth gives Extra Credit!

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Byleth was giving her usual lessons to her fellow students, it was if the days of the Officers Academy had not ended.

It was nostalgic for everyone involved. Especially a certain Emperor.

Edelgard: The Professor is so amazing. She hasn't lost her skill before. I can't help but admire her so much. Now ... I should try that advice from Ruby and Weiss.


Edelgard: Ruby, Weiss, do you both have some time to talk?

Ruby: Oh! El! Hi! What do you need?

Edelgard: I have a bit crush on Byleth.

Weiss: Hmph. Well, that's not a surprise.

Edelgard: You could tell?

Ruby: You're talking to two bisexual women, so what do you think?

Edelgard: Oh ... my apologies. I did not consider that.

Weiss: Look, you have to be aware, every relationship isn't going to be all sunshine and roses. There will be ups and downs. A bad side to every good one.

Edelgard: That I can understand.

Ruby: Okay, first, get Bylie comfortable! Do something that'll make her vulnerable to a confession!

Edelgard: Okay!

Weiss: Then you need to wait for the right moment, and then make your move.

Edelgard: Of course.

Ruby and Weiss: Now good luck, our student!

Edelgard went forth with lots of confidence in herself!

End of Flashback...

She decides to make her move after class was finished.

Edelgard: Professor?

Byleth: Yes El?

Edelgard: I'm going to get some coffee? Do you think you could join me; please?

Byleth: (blushing) Of course, I'll do anything for you, El.

Edelgard: Great.


The two of them sat in the dining hall drinking coffee together as they engaged in conversation about their ambitions and the future to come! It was very sweet.

Edelgard: Okay, I just need to wait it out, and at the right moment, I'll make my move!

After a few more minutes, Edelgard made her move!

Edelgard: Professor! There's something I have to say!

Byleth: Really? I have something to say too.

Edelgard: Oh ... then how about we say it together?

Byleth: Alright!

They both took deep breaths, and-

Edelgard and Byleth: I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!! WAIT!? REALLY?! You're serious right?

Byleth: I went to Blake and Yang for advice on this.

Edelgard: I went to Ruby and Weiss for advice on this!

Byleth: Well, if that's the case, then ... should we?

Edelgard: I think so.

They both kissed, and did so with a lot of passion!

Edelgard: Wow ... that felt-

Byleth: Amazing! I never felt this surge of emotion before!

Edelgard: Want to do it again?

Byleth: Yes.

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