Team (Y/N) vs. Flazzard!

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Flazzard looked around him. All of Team (Y/N) surrounded him. 

Ruby: Just give it up, jerkbag! 

Crocodine: You can't escape now! 

Flazzard: (Sigh) You're right. 

Yang: Yeah, w- Wait, what?! 

Popp: You're just giving up like that?! 

Flazzard: Yeah, I probably should give up. 

Nora: Did he fall and hit his head before? 

Raven: Something's not right here. 

Summer: I agree. Is this some kind of trick? 

Flazzard: Not at all. My fire and ice barrier was destroyed and now I'm facing the new Hero, and his entire party. Two of which now include Crocodine and Hyunckel, some of the strongest leaders in the Dark Army. I guess it's time for me to concede. 

Dai: (Y/N), don't you think this is- 

(Y/N): Yeah. Flazzard's usually a sadistic bastard who would laugh and say, "COME AT ME MOTHER FUCKERS!" But, for him to be so calm and accept defeat. 

Pyrrha: Does this mean you'll release Leona then? 

Flazzard: Oh no no no, don't get me wrong. I never agreed to that. You see- EVEN IF I'M GOING TO DIE, I'LL GIVE IT EVERYTHING I GOT! The only thing I gave up is escaping unscathed! This final technique of mine will be unimaginably painful! That's why I wanted to avoid using it if possible, but I have no choice! NOW, KING VEARN! LEND ME YOUR STRENGTH! 

He ripped the medallion off of his chest! 

Hyunckel: WHAT?! 

Crocodine: HE DIDN'T! 

Jeanne: Hey, Hyunckel, Crocodine, why do you both look so shocked? 

Crocodine: That's the medallion of the Dark Army! 

Hyunckel: Vearn had the Six Commanders try to grab it when we first assembled, and- 

Crocodine: Flazzard was the one who succeeded in taking it! 

Hyunckel: That medallion is more important to Flazzard than his life itself! 

Popp: But then if he throws it away, then that means- 

Flazzard: That's right! I don't need the glory of the past any longer! I'LL THROW MY LIFE AWAY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 


You all ran for cover as Flazzard blew up! 

Several rocks were thrown in your direction. 

Dai: He blew himself up!? 

Summer: I don't think so. If he did that, then why are we still here? 

Ruby: Yeah, th- AGH! 

Ruby was hit by a rock. 

Ruby: What was that? 

Popp: I don't- OUCH! What the hell? 

Popp was hit by a rock to the face! 

Maam: All of them are flying everywhere. 

(Y/N): Not just that, they're pieces of Flazzard's bodY! 

Hyunckel: How can this be? Did he- 

Crocodine: He has to have planned this out! 

Flazzard: That's right! These rocks are my body! 

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