Let's Get Training!/Enter Hadlar's Royal Guard!

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Lon Beruk: You both have amazing skill to have slashed through the Sovereign Rock Castle. 

(Y/N): Your compliment means a lot, Lon. 

Dai: Yeah. 

Lon Beruk: Despite that, you both need to learn to be careful with those blades. 

(Y/N): Yeah. The Demon Dragon Sword and the Sword of Dai are both one-of-a-kind weapons. 

Dai: What's there to worry about? All we have to do is train! 

Lon Beruk: Exactly. Remember, you both need to feel as if your swords were alive. 

Meanwhile with Popp... 

Matoriv: Alright Popp. Remember Flazzard? 

Popp: Uh, yeah, of course. 

Matoriv: He was a magical being made up of fire and ice. And as such, he didn't seem to be able to combine them both together. 

Popp: Combine fire and ice together? 

Matoriv: combining them both, you can eliminate any substance. Even Orichalcum. 

Popp: Really? 

Matoriv: Yes, and it is called, Medroa! 

Popp: Medroa. 

Matoriv: This will be very difficult. You have to use equal power in both fire and ice. However, it's a very strong spell, and it'll annihilate your opponent. Learning this spell will be worth the pain. 

Popp: Great! What do I do? 

Matoriv: You'll need to cast fire and ice spells at the same time and then combine them together! Like this! 

He generated fire in one hand and ice in another and then- 

Matoriv combined both spells together! 

Popp: AGH! 

Matoriv: Keep this in mind, if you're not successful lin combining this spell, you'll be dead! 

Popp: Wait, are you going to- 

Matoriv: Now, come on counter it! 


Matoriv: YOU CAN! 

He fired the spell at Popp as he began to hold his hands out! 

Popp: ARGH! 



Yang: You ready for this Maam? 

Maam: You bet. 

Both fighters took their stance and charged at each other, punching rapidly, and kicking when possible. 


She punched the water around them, but Maam began to punch the water to get through!

And then Popp appeared thanks to Zoom and he put his arm in the water. 

Popp: Man, that was intense. 

Yang and Maam: Popp? 

They saw his arm. 

Maam: What happened to our arm? 

Popp: It's just some special training. It's a spell that can destroy anything, even Orichalcum. 

Yang: Man, that's got to be a strong spell! 

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