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You continued on your way through the new area known as Waterfall. 

And there you saw different types of monsters, such as a buff monster named Aaron. 

You flexed as hard as you could to the point that he started to flex himself, and then- 

Aaron: AGH! 

He flexed himself out of the way! 

(Y/N): The hell did I just see? 

You then continued on your way, and then Papyrus called. 

Papyrus: Hello Human! 

(Y/N): Papyrus, what's up? 

Papyrus: What are you wearing? 

(Y/N): Huh? 

Papyrus: I'm asking for a friend. 

(Y/N): Well- 

After that... 

You begin to see flowers that are talking out the wishes of people. 

(Y/N): WOW!

Then after a while, you found a secret spot in a wall. 

(Y/N): AHA! 

You broke it down and started to go onto a boardwalk, but then you got a bad feeling that someone was following you! 

(Y/N): Hmm ... who's- 

Then a spear nearly hit you! 

(Y/N): AGH! 

You began to counter the spears with your weapons as you ran! 

Undyne was pursuing you the whole time too! 

You continued to use maneuverability in order to dodge the attacks before going into some bushes, and when it seemed like she was going to attack, you got ready to unleash a Dragon Slayer move, only for her to grab the Monster Kid! 

Undyne just left. 

(Y/N): KID! Are you okay? 

Monster Kid: Dude! Didn't you see that?! UNDYNE TOUCHED ME! I'm never watching my face ever again! 

(Y/N): That's not a good thing to do. 

You kept on your way as you then went through a beautiful-looking area! 

(Y/N): Wow, this is so beautiful! 

As you continued on your way, it started to rain, luckily, you found a nearby umbrella and then the Monster Kid too! 

(Y/N): HEY! You again! 

Monster Kid: Hiya Dude! Nice umbrella! Okay! Let's go! 

(Y/N): Okay! Let's go! 

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