The New Members of Fairy Tail!

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You guys had followed Team Natsu all the way from those snowy mountains to the town where they were collecting their reward money.

Natsu: Man! I'm hungry!

Gray: Idiot, you ate like a few minutes ago.

Natsu: I don't have control over my stomach, Gray!

Lucy: Dealing with you two is hardly worth the trouble.

Happy: You're going to need like serval headache medicine capsules for that.

Lucy: SHUT IT!!

Erza: You know, I could go for some strawberry cake.

Carla: Hmph, you would have been in the mood whether or not Natsu opened his mouth.

Wendy: Oh, maybe I could go for some chocolate ice cream!

(Y/N): Excuse me.

You approached them.

(Y/N): I couldn't help but notice that you all were in the mood for some food. My comrades and I would be willing to buy you some.

Natsu: Really? Hey that's awe-

Erza: What exactly is the catch?

(Y/N): No reason. We heard you guys were part of the best Wizard guild in the whole kingdom.

Ruby: It's not everyday you meet real celebrities!

Lucy: Oh! Well ... that's very flattering! Thank you!

With that...

Well, you guys managed to buy a bunch of food, which Natsu was scarfing on in a matter of seconds!

Weiss: Yuck! What barbaric manners.

Gray: Yeah, that's Natsu for ya. He's a mess.


Gray: YOU SHUT UP!!!

They both began to throw their foot at each other, and then-

Erza: M-My ... my strawberry cake.

Erza's strawberry cake had fallen on the floor because of them.


Natsu and Gray: Huh?

(Y/N): You just knocked over her cake!

Natsu and Gray: What?

Erza glared at them.


Natsu and Gray: NO!! ERZA PLEASE!!

(Y/N): Hey, it's alright. I'll buy you some more.

Erza: Really? Oh ... thank you very much ... I appreciate it.

Erza smiled brightly at your offer.

(Y/N): Yang, do you mind?

Yang: Hmph. Sure thing.

She cracked her knuckles, and whacked both Natsu and Gray on the head.

Natsu and Gray: OW!!!

Yang: That's what you both get for being stupid.

Gray: He's the moron here!

Natsu: GRR! I-

Erza glared at both of them, and they shut up.

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