Arriving at the Capital!

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You guys went on train to Crocus, the Capital of Fiore. And the whole while, Natsu and Wendy were in complete pain.

Natsu: Pain ... so much ... pain.

Wendy: I feel ... like I'm going .... To hurl.

Weiss: Seriously? All that power, and this is their weakness?

Lucy: Yeah, I don't get that either.

Erza: It's alright you two, it'll be over before you know it.

Blake: So, you've been to the capital before?

Happy: Aye, it's where the Grand Magic Games are hosted.

Yang: Oh! A tournament?

Gray: Pretty much. All the country's best guilds get together to clash and find out who is the best.

Ruby: Obviously we know now that you guys won. But I bet the other guilds have impressive wizards too! What kind of people are they?

Erza: The runner up is Sabertooth. They're the second strongest guild.

(Y/N): Wow, I bet they're very strong.

Carla: They are. They even have two Dragon Slayers of their own.

(Y/N): Interesting. Any others we should know about?

Happy: There's also Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, and well ... I could go on!

Yang: I bet they got a lot of powerhouses!! Badass!

The train came to a stop, and Natsu and Wendy were desperately trying to crawl for the exit.

Natsu: NO MORE!!!


(Y/N): Those poor souls.

After exiting the train...

Crocus (Capital of Fiore! Home of the Sabertooth Guild!)

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Crocus (Capital of Fiore! Home of the Sabertooth Guild!)

(Y/N): Wow!

Ruby: This city is huge!

Weiss: No duh, it's the capital!

All of you walked to the palace, and the Guards soon stopped you guys.

Guard 1: HALT!

Guard 2: What is your business here?


Erza: NATSU!!

Natsu immediately shut up in order to avoid another beating from Erza.

Erza: We have come to see the Queen. She put up this request.

She showed the job request.

Guards: Very well. You may enter.

They opened the gate, allowing everyone to enter, except for-

Guard 2: STOP!!

Gray: What?

Guard 2: Clothe yourself before you go in!

Gray: OH COME ON!!

(Y/N): Gray, keep your damn clothes on!

Weiss: That stupid master of his made him like that.




You all got to meet the Queen Herself.

Hisui E

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Hisui E. Fiore (The Queen of Fiore! She succeeded her father, Toma E. Fiore after an invasion from the Alvarez Empire! She is always thinking about her Kingdom, and is a woman of kindness!)

Hisui: Welcome, Fairy Tail Wizards.

(Y/N): (bowing) We are not worthy, Your Majesty.

Hisui: Now now, no need for the formalities. You may rise.

You did so.

Hisui: You've come to explore the Labrinyth?

Yang: Uh yeah. It says so on the request, so-

Both Blake and Erza elbowed her.

Yang: Ow! Right, sorry.

Hisui: Good. Strange noises have been coming from there as of late. Many of the guards were dispatched, but have not returned. So, I request that you go and investigate.

Blake: And any treasure that we find?

Hisui: Well, as long as you don't misuse it, it's yours.

Weiss: You are too kind, Your Benevolence.

Hisui just smiled.

Hisui: Best of luck to you all!

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