Saving Leona!

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You guys ran as fast as you could to the tower to save Leona! 

Crocodine: That should have done it! 

Summer: Yes, Leona should- AGH! 

(Y/N): What is- HOLY SHIT! 

She was still frozen. 

(Y/N): YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! Flazzard is dead! D-E-A-D! So how is Leona still like that? 

Hyunckel: No, it's thawing. I can see that. 

Hyunckel pointed right to the ice. 

(Y/N): Oh. But that doesn't explain why she didn't- 

Hyunckel: We may be too late. When Flazzard was defeated, the spell was counter-acted. But having been bound like this Leona's remaining life force is not enough to return to normal. 

Ruby: We can't just give up like that! 

Weiss: Ruby is right! We came all this way, and took down so much of the Dark Army already! We can free her! There has to be a way! 

Blake: Hmm ... 

Blake was thinking. 

Blake: AHA! Maam! 

Maam: What? 

Blake: Maybe if we can generate enough fire magic into your magic gun, you can fire a blast to free her! 

Maam: It's worth a shot. 

Popp: But what if the gun gets destroyed? I mean, it was made by Master Avan! 


Popp: I know, but- 

Maam: It's alright! The gun was used to save people, I know Master Avan would agree to this plan! 

Popp: Alright. 

Everyone soon began to pitch in, and well, even Dai was activating his crest. 

(Y/N): Dai, your Crest. 

Dai: If we don't get this done, Leona won't be able to be saved! We have to give it all we got! 

(Y/N): RIGHT! 



Maam fired the shot, and her magic gun blew up in the process, but- 

Leona broke free! 

(Y/N): LEONA! 

You ran to her, and checked her pulse. 


Maam: I'm sorry Magic Gun. But, thanks to you, we did it. 

Leona opened her eyes. 

(Y/N): Hey. 

Leona: (Y/N)? Is that you? 

(Y/N): Yep. I- 

She pulled you into a kiss on the lips. 

Leona: Thank you ... again. 

(Y/N): Anytime, my Princess. 

With that... 

Everyone was throwing a party to celebrate the defeat of Flazzard and that Leona was safe. 

Hell, even Matoriv showed up. 

Matoriv: Well, I'll be. Great work everyone. You managed to survive this long and fight back against the Dark Army. 

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