(Y/N) and Winter!

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Winter had been trying to control her love for you after the last time you spent time together with her along with her sister and mother. And, she remembered a certain friend you made on one of your adventures.

Winter: Commander Hyunckel.

Hyunckel: Is there something you wish to discuss with me?

Winter: You and (Y/N) were formerly enemies when you both first met, right?

Hyunckel: That's right. Even though we both had the same mentor, we started on different paths. (Y/N) took Master Avan's path and, I strayed away.

Winter: It must have been hard for you to open up and fight well with your friends once you changed sides.

Hyunckel: To be honest, I was nervous at the fact of having to even look my Master in the eye when we met again. But- I overcame my weaknesses. And my past. I moved on because of those I fought with me. Once all those doubts clear your head, Commander Schnee. Then you will be able to face anything.

Winter: I see. It's been a pleasure talking to you.

They both saluted each other.

Winter: By the way.

Hyunckel: Yes?

Winter: I'd like to spar with you sometime.

Hyunckel: Very well. I'd like to see how you fight compared to your sister. Although, I'm not that big of a fan of fighting women. It's kind of my policy.

Winter: I thought you had no doubts.

Hyunckel: They're not doubts. It's just my policy.

Winter: Right.


Winter watched you train shirtless, and she blushed.

Winter: This is going to be embarassing. Ahem. (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Huh? What's up Winter?

Winter hid away immediately!

Winter: Uh ... would you ... like to order a pizza and ... kiss?

(Y/N): Really? You want a date? Again?

Winter: Y-Yes.

(Y/N): Okay, sure!


Both of you were sitting together kissing each other, and eating some pepperoni pizza.

(Y/N): Wow! You're a pretty good kisser, Winter! You honestly need to come by and do some more dates with me more often!

Winter: I ... I agree.

(Y/N): Yeah, you're actually really cute like this!

Winter: I ... love you too. Hahahaha.

You both kissed again.

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