A Tempest of Swords and Shields!

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Everyone gathered together to discuss the battle plan. 

Hubert: There is a way for us to control the Kingdom. We have to defeat the Royal Family of House Blaiddyd, and a handful of other notable houses. 

Ruby: That shouldn't be too hard! Felix, Sylvain, and Ingrid are all here. 

Ingrid: Yes. We'll try and use that to our advantage. 

Felix: A good threat is usually the easiest option. 

Edelgard: What about House Rowe in Arianrhod, the Fortress City? Will they not side with us?

Hubert: The head of House Fraldarius, Lord Rodrigue, has entered the city. It is possible that he has seized it.

Edelgard: I see. Then it might prove too difficult to strike Fhirdiad right away.

Hubert: Either way, when preparations are complete, we can begin our deployment into the Kingdom.

(Y/N): Great! In the meantime, we should get some practice in! 

Yang: Heh! Just like the old times! 

Byleth: Yes. Indeed. 

And it was just like the Academy... 

Though, a lot of the Blue Lions were worried that you guys would have to strike Dimitri down. 

But with the Professors together, it was enough to inspire so much morale! 

Just then some soldiers came up! 

Imperial Soldier: Raid from the north! Their flag bears the symbol of the Knights of Seiros! One of our troops has already intercepted them! Your Majesty, please give us your orders!

Edelgard: From the north? Interesting... Could it be they journeyed through Ailell, the Valley of Torment? Is the archbishop among the enemy ranks? If so, focus our attacks on her first.

Imperial Soldier: Understood!

(Y/N): Alright! Let's go to battle, everyone! 

Claude: You heard (Y/N), let's go! 

By the outskirts of the monastery... 

Seteth: It feels like only yesterday we called this place our home... We must show these fools the error of their ways. They shall pay for the sin of invading Garreg Mach...

Flayn: Oh, but the professors are fighting alongside our foe! The same ones who saved my life...

Seteth: That is true... Though I find forgiveness difficult, we do owe them a debt. However, the fact remains that because of them, Rhea has long been tormented. To think that the vessel of the goddess, entrusted with the Sword of the Creator, could go on to... Ah, it angers me to even think of it! All that has happened has changed Rhea. I imagine it has changed the professor as well. Even if we prevail, I doubt the church can ever fully return to the way it once was...

Flayn: Umm... Brother?

Seteth: Dear Flayn. I only brought you with me because you were so insistent. Still, no matter what happens, you must not go near the front lines. If something were to happen to you, it would utterly destroy me. You are my reason for breathing. Do you understand?

Flayn: I...I understand. If something were to happen to you, it would break my heart. I could not go on either. I cannot help but wonder...if there is a way to end this without fighting the professor...


You guys had begun to fight against the attacking Knights of Seiros! 


All of the students and professors charged in, with their new strengths! 

Hell, Hilda was a Wyvern Rider now! And Ingrid was Falcon Knight! 

Not just that, but Sylvain and Ferdinand were Great Knights! 

Dorothea had a master of both white and black magic, as do most of the other magic casters! 

Bernadetta was also a Bow Knight along with Ashe! 

And Edelgard was carrying one of the Heroes' Relics! 

And Edelgard was carrying one of the Heroes' Relics! 

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Freikugel (One of the Heroes' Relics!) 

Raphael: We got this from here, professors! 

(Y/N): HA! Great work everybody! We- 

Seteth appeared! 

(Y/N): Seteth. 

Seteth: It saddens me to face you on the field of battle. You saved Flayn. I cannot approve of your actions though. 

(Y/N): Then just leave the church and help us! 

Seteth: I ... I c- 

(Y/N): SETETH! I KNOW YOU'RE A GOOD PERSON! DON'T WORK FOR RHEA! PLEASE! I promise you a place together! 


Flayn: Seteth, just listen to (Y/N)! I don't want to fight them either! 

Seteth: Flayn. I- 

(Y/N): Don't worry. I promise you, you'll be safe from them. 

You then began to call Lilith. 

A bit later... 

Edelgard: Great work everyone. 

Ruby: And we didn't have to kill Flayn and Seteth! 

(Y/N): They're going to be living in Remnant now. And they'll be attending Beacon as well. 

Blake: Wait... what? Are you sure about that? 

(Y/N): They're not bad people, Blake. You know that. 

Blake: Yeah. I guess. But ... how will Rhea react? 

Back with Rhea... 

Catherine: Lady Rhea. The unit that invaded the monastery has been completely driven away. We were able to make a clean sweep of those who came to attack us. However, I fear we can do nothing but retreat for now.

Rhea: And what happened to Seteth and Flayn? 

Catherine: They have abandoned the Church. Seteth says, "I am sorry Rhea, but I cannot continue like this. (Y/N) is right, this has to stop. You must break free from the burden of your work. Right now, he has taken me and Flayn to live a more peaceful life. I think a new chapter is about to begin. I pray for your safety." 

Rhea: I see ... looks like I'm the only one left. Mother, please wait for me. I promise that I will save you...The filthy thief who stole you from the Holy Tomb...I will crush them with my bare hands!

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