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Before Dai, Hyunckel, and Blake was a giant King Piece! 

Dai: Is that a- 

Blake: It's a King Chess Piece! How? 

???: Oh don't you know? Chess pieces consist of one king, one queen, two bishops, rooks, and knights, and eight pawns. That's a total of 16 pieces. King Vearn only gave Hadlar those five pieces. Furthermore, the 16 pieces, there is only one piece that has free will, me! The defender of Vearn Palace, with the utmost trust of the Dark King himself! 

 Furthermore, the 16 pieces, there is only one piece that has free will, me! The defender of Vearn Palace, with the utmost trust of the Dark King himself! 

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Dai: That's a lot of them. 

Blake: It seems impossible. 

Hym: What are you all doing?! RUN FOR IT! I- 

Dai: No! We're not running! 

Hyunckel: We have to fight this battle. 

Hym: IDIOTS! There's fighting to win, and then there's plain stupidity! I- 

Blake: You're against Vearn too right? 

Hym: I- 

Blake: We're on the same side. Just leave them to us. 


Hyunckel: Just relax for now. You'll be fine in no time at all. 

Maximum: KING SCAN! 

He began to look at the three of them. 

Maximum: HAHAHAHA! I've looked into your minds fools. You see my King Scan allows me to know everyone of your attacks. So- 

Hyunckel: Can I ask you something? 

Maximum: Huh? 

Hyunckel: You call yourself the Defender of Vearn Palace, so why don't you defend Vearn? 

Dai: Yeah, I bet (Y/N) is already making his way to him. 

Maximum: FEH! Perhaps near-sighted fighters like you can never understand, but I will tell you! Defeat does not exist in my vocabulary! The basis of battle is to reduce the enemy number by beating the weaker ones first. My role and my mission is entirely different from those of Mystvearn and Killvearn! If I am to fight, I am obligated to win! It is our policy to absolutely win if we fight! At this moment, Mystvearn is going to crush (Y/N) the Hero and the others. Meanwhile, I will defeat the three of you here and now! Then I will go and take them out after they've been weakened by Mystvearn! 

Hym: You call that a plan? That's cheap! 

Maximum: So, I will ask you to die already, or- Ah, it may be amusing to take my time to frustrate Mystvearn. He's always looking down on me. He thinks of me as the Janitor. I say he needs to appreciate me more. 

Blake: You know what I think? I think you're full of yourself. 

Maximum: WHAT?! 

Hyunckel: She's right! You're scum! 

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