Cat Fight!/The Deadly Jurogumo, Black Maria!

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Who's Who desperately attacked Happy, Carla, Lily, and Jinbe! 

And during the whole match, Who's Who was losing his cool! 

Who's Who: ARGH! Don't you know the saying that you should never attack a cornered cat? 

He begins to transform! 

He begins to transform! 

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Happy: AGH! 

Happy dodged one of Who's Who's attacks! 

Who's Who: FANG PISTOL! 

He started to shoot projectiles from his mouth! 

Happy: HOW IS HE- 

Carla: HAPPY! He can only shoot in the direction he's facing, you need to go around and hit him! 

Happy: OH! 

He went into his human form, and flew around to kick Who's Who in the back! 


But his attack was intercepted by Lily. 

Lily: Nice try, but that's not going to work! 

Lily then slashed at Who's Who, who screamed in pain. 

Then Jinbe attacked next! 

Jinbe: You should know better not to underestimate your opponents. FISHMAN KARATE: SHARK ARABESQUE FIST! 

He punched Who's Who in the stomach hard! 

Who's Who: ARGH!!!! 

As Who's Who tried desperately to stand, well- 

Happy: HIYAH! 

Happy whacked him on the head with a big fish at the same time that Carla punched him in the face! 

Who's Who collapsed, defeated. 

With Robin's Group... 

Black Maria had transformed before the girls! 

Black Maria had transformed before the girls! 

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Levy: She's a Jurogumo?! 

Robin: You know what those are? 

Levy: Yes, they're spider women who are known for luring men into their dens, and then devouring them when they get the chance. 

Black Maria: That's right. And with my webs, I'll make sure you all- AGH! 

But they were cut down by Juvia! 

Juvia: Do you really think that Juvia would be so weak to fall for something like this? WATER SPLICER! 

Black Maria's webs were cut down! 

Juvia: Now, what will you do? 

Black Maria tried to punch Juvia, but she was held back! 

Black Maria: WHAT?! 

Robin: I don't think you'll be doing that anytime, soon. 


Levy: Hey, Black Maria, I wouldn't be so smug. 

Black Maria: And why is that? 


Levy summoned the fiery word, flames, and it began to burn about the entire place! 

Black Maria: AGH! MY WEBS! I- 

Robin: Now, I think this will end the same way- 

Black Maria: What?! 


Black Maria: Oh ... no. Not again. 


Carrot and Yamato ran into Death Knight, who had a bunch of the Beast Pirates with him. 

Death Knight: Well, look who we have here! 

Carrot: Hey, what's this? You think you're tough, Mr. Skull Knight? 

Death Knight: It's Death Knight. 

Yamato: Carrot, I'll deal with him. I know how to handle fools like this one. 

Carrot: Right! I- 

Soon, they were separated by candy! 

Carrot: WHAT THE?! 

???: KUKUKUKUKUKU! Look who it is! 

Carrot: AGH! YOU! 

Charlotte Perospero (The Eldest Son of Big Mom! He ate the Lick Lick Fruit!) 

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Charlotte Perospero (The Eldest Son of Big Mom! He ate the Lick Lick Fruit!) 

Carrot: YOU'RE THE BASTARD WHO KILLED PEDRO! GRR! Yamato, he's mine! 

Yamato: Works for me. 

As for Brook... 

Brook was clashing with Tyrian. 

Brook: YOHOHOHOHOHOHO! My, that's an interesting stinger you have there. You make quite the sting! 

Tyrian: What the hell kind of thing are you? 

Brook: Oh, I'm just your friendly undead skeleton. Get it? YOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! 

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