Dracula's Castle!

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Richter: This is it. 

Right ahead was Dracula's Castle!

(Y/N): You know for an evil vampire, he sure has a taste in homes

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(Y/N): You know for an evil vampire, he sure has a taste in homes. 

Ruby: I know! You know, I think Celestia would like this place. 

Ruby thought about the Ultimate Gambler, and how she said she always wanted to live in a castle with vampire butlers as her staff. 

(Y/N): No time to gawk at it, we got an evil vampire to kill! 

Maria: Yeah! I'm ready! 

Richter: Remember not to slow down. We must make haste. 

Richter took off first into the aqueducts of the castle! 

And with that, you guys followed in too, with several mermen jumping out to attack, though, you made short work of them, and so did Richter with his whip and throwing axe! 

Ruby and Maria were moving behind with support from their scythe and animal companions respectively. 

There were a lot of traps throughout the massive vampirical fortress, and Richter was able to find a door after a while. 

Richter: This way. 

The door lead inside of the massive fortress of darkness, though Dracula was becoming aware. 

Dracula: Ah ... the one who has the Belmont Blood has come. Death! 

Death: Yes, Master? 

Dracula: I want you to dispatch our best warriors. 

Death: Of course, my Master. 

Death summoned two monsters! 

Death summoned two monsters! 

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Death: Werewolf and Minotaur, dispatch of the intruders! 

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Death: Werewolf and Minotaur, dispatch of the intruders! 

Both monsters headed out to do so! 

Along the way... 

You noticed someone praying in a cell nearby. 

(Y/N): Huh? Who's there? 

You looked to see a nun praying. 

Tera (A church nun who was captured by Dracula's men and is supposed to become one of his brides!) 

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Tera (A church nun who was captured by Dracula's men and is supposed to become one of his brides!) 

(Y/N): Hey, Ms.? Are you- 

Tera: Who is this? Ah, are you perhaps a servant of God who has come to rescue me in my hour of need? 

(Y/N): Uh ... yeah ... in a way. I'm here to save you! 

Tera: Oh good. Thank you so much.

(Y/N): You should hurry back to the village as fast as you can. I'm going to go and take out a vampire bastard right now. 

Tera: Wait ... what's your name? 

(Y/N): (Y/N) (L/N). 

Tera: (Y/N). May you have God's protection. 


You and Richter were in the courtyard and suddenly the Werewolf appeared and roared! 

Richter: (Y/N), be careful. The werewolf can be dangerous, especially up close. 

(Y/N): Don't worry Richter, I'm not scared! 

The werewolf moved fast and tried to strike you, only for you to punch it right into Richter, who whipped the crap out of it! 

Richter: Ha! Speed is the biggest advantage to this! 

You continued to punch the Werewolf, especially with- 


And it all ended with one last whip attack from Richter! 

The werewolf then fell down, and turned back to a human. 

(Y/N): HA! Great work! 

You both bro armed each other. 

Richter: Let's keep going then! 

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