Frostbite Island!

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Crocodile: Straw Hat ... what are you doing here? 

Luffy: I could ask the same thing. 

Crocodile: Hmph. The Treasure of the New World. 

Luffy: Yeah, well, I'm going to be King of the Pirates some day, and that means I can't lose to a bastard like you! 

Crocodile: Why y- 

(Y/N): Hey, Luffy. Let me handle this guy. 

Luffy: Huh? 

(Y/N): You don't need to concern yourself with a guy you beat before. 

Luffy: Oh! Okay then! Give him hell, (Y/N)! 

He takes off. 

(Y/N): Hey, are you alright? 

You go to Faye. 

Faye: I ... I guess so. 

(Y/N): Don't worry, I'll suck out the poison once I deal with him. 

Crocodile: So, Straw Hat continues to make more allies. How interesting. 

(Y/N): You're an enemy of Luffy then? If so, then I'm going to have to give you a massive beating! 

Crocodile: Let's see you try! DESERT GIRASOLE! 

You dodged an attack from Crocodile as it seemed like a sandblade was coming from the ground! 


You punched him, and managed to harden his body, allowing you to- 


You then socked him over and over again, only for- 

Crocodile: GOT YOU! 

He stabbed you with his book, but- 

(Y/N): Huh? Is that all? That only hurt! 

Crocodile: What?! The poison should have affected you! 

(Y/N): Actually, I'm immune to poisons. It's because I'm the Elemental Dragon Slayer that I can eat different elements. Even poison. 

Crocodile: You cannot be serious! 

(Y/N): Oh I am! 


He put his hand on the ground to try and suck out all the nutrients, but you had a sense that that would happen and you dodged the attack to- 


You had Grey Fox's sword in your hand, and- 


You hit Crocodile, who coughed up blood! 

(Y/N): Well? 


He retreated. 

(Y/N): Yeah, you better run! 

You then walked over to Faye. 

(Y/N): Okay, I'm going to heal you. So, you should get ready! 

You went right to her, and then began to suck out the poison, which you were able to eat, as well as use Sky Dragon Healing Magic. 

(Y/N): There you go. You should be alright. 

Faye got up. 

Faye: (blushing) Th-Thank you ... you have my thanks. 

(Y/N): Hey, it never hurts to help. Well, take care out there. 

You then leave. 

Faye soon got a message from her Transponder's Snail. 

Maurier: Faye, have you uncovered any more clues? 

Faye: Not yet Captain. 

Maurier: Right, just make sure to terminate anyone who gets in your way. Okay? 

Faye: Got it. 

She hung up. 

Faye: (blushing) A-Actually ... I don't know if I should ... but ... maybe they could use some help. 

The Straw Hats began to explore the island... 

Brook: Hmm ... it seems to be pretty cold here. Freezing right to my soul! YOHOHOHOHOHOHO! 

Yang: HA! Good one Brook! 

Ruby: Hey, Chopper, Carrot, you both look fine. 

Chopper: Yeah, it's all this fur. 

Carrot: A lot of my people usually come prepared on Zou for things like this. 

Nami: Okay, we should find more clues to the treasure's whereabouts around here. 

Blake: What are we looking for exactly? 

Nami: that I don't have a clue about. But- 

Luffy: Hey, I think that could be an answer. 

Luffy pointed to a shell spot in a nearby wall. 

(Y/N): HA! Luffy! You actually spotted it! 

Luffy put on a smile like if he was a genius, which of course was not fooling anyone! 

Yamato: HHAHAHA! Luffy seems very confident. 

Weiss: That's stupidity alright. At its finest. 

Luffy puts the shell in, and a big passageway opens up. 

Franky: Hey, my radar is pointing that this leads to the north of the place. 

(Y/N): Okay, hopefully, we don't run into any more opposition up there.

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