Mutiny in the Mist!

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You guys were called in to see Rhea again.

Rhea: I have another mission for you and your students, Professors.

(Y/N): What is it Rhea?

Seteth: We have received reports that Lord Lonato has rallied troops against the Holy Church of Seiros.

Ruby: Who is Lord Lonato?

Rhea: Lord Lonato is a minor lord of the Kingdom. He has been showing hostility towards the church for some time now.

Seteth: A vanguard unit from the Knights of Seiros is already on its way to his stronghold, Castle Gaspard. Lord Lonato's army is nothing compared to the knights. It's quite possible the rebellion has already been suppressed.

Rhea: Even so, I would like for your class to travel with the knights' rear guard to deal with the aftermath.

Seteth: War zones are unpredictable. We do not expect you will have cause to battle, but be prepared for the worst.

???: Excuse me. You sent for me, Lady Rhea?

A pretty woman appeared.

Catherine (The Strongest of the Knights of Seiros!)

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Catherine (The Strongest of the Knights of Seiros!)

(Y/N): Wow. Who's the lady?

Rhea: This is Catherine. She will be leading the knights whom you will be accompanying.

Catherine: Nice to meet you all. We've heard a lot about you. If you need anything, just ask.

Yang: A sparring session.

Catherine: HEH! I like your attitude, Blondie!

Yang: You're blonde too.


Classes and training sessions went by as usual, and well everyone had a lot say on the matters at hand.

Edelgard: Lord Lonato must know that his efforts are futile...yet he can't help but fight. If I were in that situation, I would do whatever it took to ensure victory. You can count on that.

Dimitri: Hmm ... after Faerghus lost its king, there were many rebellions. It is likely Lord Lonato's provocations are related. How frustrating that I am too young to take the throne. Rendered powerless by age... If the throne is vacant much longer, the Kingdom will fall to ruin!

Claude: First that bandit business, and now a noble rebellion? Are we ever gonna do anything but find and subdue people? Well, if we're just going to tie up loose ends, at least it'll be pretty safe. I don't mind stretching my legs for this one. And if Catherine's going, too, there's a good chance we'll get a look at her Relic in action.

(Y/N): I bet.


You and Annette were in the Greenhouse talking.

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