Some Opposition!

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At the summit was what seemed to be a dial. 

(Y/N): Oh good! This seems to be another clue. 

Luffy: Aww ... and no one waiting here for us? 

Nami: For once that is a relief! 

Yang: Hey, I agree with Luffy, what's the fun if there's no challenge? 

(Y/N): You have a point there. Now let's determine where this thing is pointing. 

You take a closer look at the dial. 

(Y/N): It's pointing to the south it seems. 

Ruby: That's it? 

(Y/N): Yeah, we just got to go in that direction, and- 

What sounded like cannon fire was then heard. 

Blake: Wait! I heard a cannon fire! 

(Y/N): Cannon fire? From who? 

Blake: I don't know! I can't see in this blizzard. 

(Y/N): Crap! Guess we have to get moving before- 

Franky: THE SUNNY! She could be in danger! 

(Y/N): The ship?! OH NO! NO NO NO! NOT THAT! 

Near the Sunny... 

The Warlord Quartet's Ship was firing away. 

Fukuoka: This should even the game. 

Maurier: The best strategy is always the surprise attack! 

Yagami: Personally though, I would prefer if we were to fight them on an equal level. 

Rena: I couldn't agree anymore. Though- They're here.

Fukuoka, Maurier, and Yagami: What?! 

You guys had made it to the ship very quickly. 

Fukuoka: How did they get there so fast? 


Luffy: There's only one way down! 

Nami: Wait ... he's not going to- 

Chopper: Oh no! Not again! 

(Y/N): Not what again? 

Weiss: Luffy, are you- 

Luffy: GUM GUM- 

Straw Hats: LUFFY! DON'T YOU D- 

Luffy: ROCKET! 


Yes, Luffy launched you guys all the way down, using himself to propel you guys down. 

Back in the present... 

Luffy was covered with bruises as he faced the four pirate leaders. 

Luffy: HEY! Are you the guys who have been attacking our ship? 

Yagami: Yes, and you must be Straw Hat Luffy. 

Rena: Not what I expected from the man who claims he's going to be King of the Pirates. 

Luffy: I WILL BE KING OF THE PIRATES! And I'm not losing to some nobodies! 


Yagami: Calm down Maurier. In that case, may the best pirate win. 

Fukuoka: We'll meet again, if you survive, that is. 

Luffy: Huh? You're leaving just like that? 

Yagami: We didn't think you'd get here so fast. So, we'll just have to come up with another plan. Until next time then. 

They withdraw for now. 

Luffy: Huh, guess that takes care of that! HA! 

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