(Y/N) vs. Baran!/Dragon Slayer vs. Dragon Knight!

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The heroes were completely shocked! Baran was Dai's father! 

(Y/N): How can that be- I don't believe you! 

Popp: Me either! Dai said he was an orphan who washed up on Dermline Island! You may be a Dragon Knight like him, but that doesn't prove anything else! 

Summer: Popp is right! How can that even be- 

Baran: Don't even bother trying to explain it. The crest on his forehead is proof enough. There is only one other person on this planet who has the potential to bear the Dragon Crest. And that is my son from whom I was separated 11 years ago, Dino. 

Leona: So, does that mean you're the only other person in the Dragon Knights? What about Dai's mother? Where is she? 

Baran: His mother. I believe he does bear a resemblance to her. NO! WE HAVE NO RELATION TO YOU HUMANS! NOW STOP RESISTING! DINO IS COMING WITH ME! 

(Y/N): No. 

You stood in front of him. 

(Y/N): He's not going anywhere with you, Baran. 

Baran: You still continue to resist me? 

(Y/N): I'll resist you even if you kill me here and now! You call yourself his father? Don't make me laugh! IF YOU WERE HIS FATHER, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR HIM FROM THE VERY START! 

Merle saw that were you standing up to him. 

Merle: (Y/N). I- 

She took a step, but- 

Nabara: MERLE! STOP! Don't forget, he's a Dragon Knight! 

Merle: I know that, but he's still a bad person! 

Nabara: I'm not too sure about that. If we were to be destroyed by a Dragon Knight, that would mean that we humans are bad. It would be our fate. 

Merle: But- 

Hadlar was watching the fight through a tentacle monster nearby. 

Zaboera: I don't believe this! Dai is related to Baran? 

Piroro: Who would have thought! Two Dragon Knights! Father and Son! 

Killvearn: Yes, the teary reunion of Father and son after more than 10 years. But don't forget that I'm the one who arranged this. And there was one big coward who confirmed it for me. 


???: SILENCE! 

Mystvearn: Ah, King Vearn. Your timing is just right. 

Hadlar: K-King Vearn! 

Vearn: It seems this is an interesting turn of events. 

Killvearn: Yes, Sire! In fact, just prior to our arrival, the question of whether or not Dai is a Dragon Knight was answered. After I confirmed his identity by having him and (Y/N) fight those Dragons, I told Baran about what happened, and he's now ready to prevent another failure. 

Piroro: Master Killvearn is too awesome! 

Killvearn: FUFUFUFUFUFUFUFU! Still, Geeral Hadlar was quite opposed to this idea. It's almost as if he knew this from the start. 

Vearn: Is this true, Hadlar? 


Vearn: Mystvearn, what have you seen of his power?

Mystvearn: (Y/N) has been training the boy. And it seems likely that the two would be on the same level of strength if it keeps happening. They both pose big threats to us. 

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