Golden Deer Training!

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Yang, Blake, and Manuela were in the middle of a lecture with the Golden Deer House, and ... well- 

Claude: Hey, Professor Xiao-Long. 

Yang: What's up Claude? 

Claude: I don't mean to interrupt, but there's something wrong with what you described about Wyvern Riding. 

Yang: HUH?! Do you have a problem with how I teach?

Claude: No, I'm just saying. 

Blake: Yang, calm down 

Yang: Right. 

She took some deep breaths. 

Yang: Okay, anyway, what do you have to say Manuela? 

Manuela: Well- 

The students continued to take notes, and note on wyvern riding, swordsmanship, archery, and axe-wielding. 

Raphael: Now this is what a lecture is! 

Marianne: It feels great for the war with the Church of Seiros to be over and done with. 

Hilda: Yeah! I just know that I'm going to get a good grade on this exam! 

Leonnie: Just don't be cocky about it Hilda. 

Lowen: Agreed. You can be very cocky when you think you've succeeded. 

The three houses of Folsense were all together again. And it felt just like everything was back in the days of the Academy! 

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